Simple Red & White Menu
Indonesia, you ask me why I love her ? Well, give me time & I’ll explain…
Have you seen a Lombok beach sunset or a Pangrango rain ?
Have you drifted on a bayou down Mahakam way ?
Have you watched the cold fog drifting over Bromo highland ?
Have you heard an Orang Utan calling in the Kutai Hulu pines ?
Or heard the bellow of a diesel in the Sawah Lunto coal mines ?
Does the call of Sigura-gura waterfall thrill you when you hear her waters roar ?
Do you look awe & wonder at a Tanah Lot shore ?
Where men who braved a hard new world, first stepped on Sorowako rock ?
And do you think of them when you stroll along a Sunda Kelapa dock ?
Have you seen a snowflake drifting in the Jaya Wijaya mountain…way up high ?
Have you seen the sun come blazing down from a bright Kelimutu sky ?
Do you hail to the Membramo as she rushes to the sea…
Or bow your head at Pegangsaan street…in our struggle to be free ?
Have you seen the mighty teton of Bukit Barisan ?
Have you been to Ambon bay & watched an eagle soar ?
Have you seen the Bengawan Solo roll along Gresik’s shore ?
Have you felt a chill at Samosir island, when on a rainy day,
Her waters rage along the shore in a thunderous display ?
Does the word “Kitorang basodara” make you warm ?
Do you stare in disbelief when you see the surf come roaring in at Bunaken reef ?
From Sabang island to Merauke town…from Sebatik to Roti island…
My heart cries out… my pulse runs fast at the might of her domain.
You ask me why I love her?… I’ve a million reasons why.
My beautiful Indonesia… beneath Gods’ wide, wide sky.
Adapted by DS
August 1, 2008
Here come again .... the month of August!
This is a special month for all Indonesians. The month when we celebrate our independence day. This year will be our 63rd of anniversary.
Two weeks ago, we received an invitation from the Indonesian Consult General in Mumbai, to attend the flag raising ceremony. Yes, together with the Indonesian communities here, we will come and attend the sacred ceremony. Our children will come, too. It will be their very first experience to attend this kind of ceremony (... oh, we still have to teach them to sing the Indonesia Raya, our beloved national anthem though). They're very excited for that, more because there will be lots of children games after the ceremony with good prizes :)
Later, I have to prepare my Kebaya and Sarung Batik, our national dresses that I'll wear for the ceremony. Not only for me, but also for my daughter. For the gentlemen and boys, they will wear the Batik shirt. For me, this ceremony will be very interesting since it was 17 years ago the last time I attended the independence day ceremony back in my university campus in Bandung, Indonesia.
Usually we don't have to cook special food during the celebration, instead will be busy playing lots of games and enjoying lots of events. But this time... for my entry to participate 'Red and White Foodie Photography Contest' I choose to cook a simple Indonesian food. Food with the ingredients that always remind us to our beloved country. Stir fry touge (~bean sprout) with cabe merah (~red chilli), ikan asin (~salty fish) and fried tahu/tofu (~bean curd). The dish will be served with steam rice, telur balado (~boiled eggs in chilli sauce) and krupuk cimpring (tapioca cracker). This is a simple menu that is common to be found on many Indonesian Family dining table. For dessert, we choose the 'Pink Lady' apples.
Do you want to join us... Come the table is ready!
Happy Independence Day! Merdeka !
btw seumur2 gw pake kebaya pas graduate aja jaman kuda gigit besi euy. and thanks dah participate:)
tahunya ngiler van...
where did u get the taoge and red chilies? as in goa do not have those fleshy and plumpy taoge. yum...
fotonya cantik-cantik :)
ikan asin dibawah toge bikin pengen.. pasti krispi gitukan *kriuk*
boleh dong, tahu aja ya... ikan asinnya u/ gw :D
Pake kebaya,... mmm rada mendingan gw deh kayagnya, 1-2 tahun sekali biasanya pake. Biasanya kawinan sodara trus kudu pake kebaya seragaman :).
Thx banget udah berepot2 ngadain event ini lho... fun banget u/ gw.
wah kalo tinggal di negara yg org Indonesianya banyak, biasanya gitu kali ya. Gak bisa pake undangan...
boleh deh nyomot tahunya kayag Dwi.
Tauge di sini gak terlalu susah dapetinnya. Hampir selalu ada di spm deket apt, cuma gak gitu seger (tapi not bad at all, kayag yg gw pake itu Ra). Kalo mo super seger kudu di pasar di downtown sono (kita tinggal di suburb).
Nah, kalo red chillies... gw bawa dari KL Ra, disimpen di freezer. Kalo mo pake tinggal ambil bbrp buah.
iya, tahu nya dah gaya niy, masuk blog :)
Hi, salam kenal jg.
Ikan asinnya boleh deh buat Sefa, Dwi ama Eliza paroan tahu.
Iya ikan asinnya krispi, ...kriuk2.
seperti biasa foto kamu keren semua mua....
gue doyan tuh tahu,toge,cabe merah mix ikan asin nyummm
bikin ngiler azaaaa ih
Hidup Indonesia! Merdeka!
Photo2mu Mba, seperti biasa, bikin mata adem..sejuukk..enakkk deh..
Thank you. Iya, pake kebaya rada ribet, cuma 'feeling'nya beda :)kebetulan ibu2 rata2 pada pake kebaya jg :).
Kl di situ dingin mungkin perlu kebaya berbahan wool ya Rit :D
Thx Fon...
yoook, kalo ke sini kita makan toge-tahu-ikan asin bareng. Pake sambel dikit lah (secara aku gak tahan makan yg terlalu pedes).
iya tuh... udah lamaaa bgt gw gak upacara, 17 th boo! Jadi liat bendera merah putih dikibarin, dgn lagu Indonesia Raya, rasanya 'WOW'.
Begeter2 jg :)
Liat foto, matanya jadi sejuk atau laper Ne. Thx yah.
semoga muffin-nya sukses yah. Ditunggu kabarnya.(muffinnya jg :))
Menang, duuuh byk yg jauh lebih cakep2 kog foto2nya.
Thx ya Len.
Hi, salam kenal jg.
(namanya sapaaa hayo?)
Wah makasih banget informasinya.
Ntar ta cari tokonya. Kebetulan anak2 sekolah di Bandra, jadi kalo ke situ ta cari deh.
Biasanya aku beli keperluan baking di Arife Lamoude, cuma gak ada cream cheese. (mungkin bagus jg u/ diet yah :D).
Anyway, thank you yah...
(kog gak ninggalin jejak, nama, alamat, no telefon, no ktp, pasport? :))
selamat hari kemerdekaan
lapar euy liat gambarnya
Kalo toko kerajinan yang punya pemerintah namanya kalo ngga salah CCIE, dekat RM Sachin Tendulkar, harganya lebih murah dibanding Bombay Store, tapi kayaknya ngga ada kalo cari kertas2 disana, banyakan barang2 kerajinan dari kayu, perak ato kalo mo beli miniatur Taj Mahal nah disana lumayan harganya. Ada lagi sih yang murah jualan miniaturnya tapi aku lupa nama jalannya tapi di daerah Bandra hihihi.
fotonya memang cantik kok dan patut menang *tepuktangan*
selamat juga yaa udah menang.
btw, kebayanya cakep bangettttt..
Thank you dah mampir.
Maaf ini blog kurang rajin di update, smoga gak bosen liat yg itu2 ajah :D
Thanks bgt informasinya. Ntar ta cari itu tempat satu2. Wow, pengetahunnya luas amat, brp lama tinggal di Mumbai?
Kita tinggal di Hiranandani Gardens, Powai. Ada sekitar 10 keluarga Indonesia di sini :)
Thank you. Duh ini jg sebenarnya gak nyangka bisa menang. Ngeliat yg lain foto2nya bagus2 banget.
Iya, kayagnya tahu dan ikan asin ini membawa keberuntungan :)
salam kenal juga yaaa.....
makasih udah mampir di dapurku :)
duh, foto2nya mbak keren2 bgt deh... sip!
oia, ayo ikutan masak barengnya :)
bulan 9 besok, tema menunya Soto Banjar. postingnya hari Kamis minggu terakhir bulan 9.
Selamat ya fotonya keren.
Aku dulu tinggal di Mumbai hampir 1,5 th.
oya bener kalo di Powai banyak orang Indonya. Asyiknya.
Cuma nebak nih, kalo salah sori ya, suami kamu kerja di SLB ya ?
sok Yang di Pali Naka sudah keinget tapi masih samar2 hihihi, namanya Modern kalo ngga.
Ok deh selamat berburu.
btw, fotonya bagus banget. pengen deh saya print out utk dipajang didapur. ngingetin ma kampung halaman... jadi kangen berat, pengen pulang :(