Empal Gentong & Tahu Gejrot

I'm proudly saying that I can cook delicious empal gentong and yummy tahu gejrot! yipppi!!

As I wrote in my last posting, both of this food have given a beautiful memory after our trip to Cirebon. My daughter really likes the Empal Gentong, and my son likes the tahu gejrot that is served only with the sauce (without chilli and shallots). Anyway, at home he is known as the tofu lover.

I tried both of these recipes more than a month ago, just a couple of days after we came from our trip to Cirebon. I got the recipes from 'Primarasa-Yang Lezat dari Cirebon-Semarang' (Primarasa-Delicacies from Cirebon-Semarang).

Empal Gentong.
hen we tried the first couple of spoons of this food in Cirebon, my husband and I began to recognize the special flavor inside the bowl, and yup,... we're agree that there is strong gulai flavor hidden in the soup. As the name 'empal' refer to beef, and the 'gentong' refer to the 'clay pot', this traditional beef soup is cooked inside the big clay pot and using firewood, both are believed giving special aromatic flavor to the dish.

When I cooked at home, hmmm... I just used my daily pan and gas stove. I added 1 teaspoon gulai powder to find the flavor that is similar with the dish that we tried in Cirebon. We are happy with the result, delicious - tasty beef soup.

Empal Gentong

400 gr daging sapi berlemak/tetelan / 400 gr beef that contain fat (I used fat free beef)
1500 ml air / 1500 ml water
2 lembar daun salam / 2 bay leaves
2 cm lengkuas, memarkan / 2 cm galangal, crushed
2 batang serai, memarkan / 2 lemongrass, crushed
1.5 - 2 sdt garam / 1.5 - 2 tsps salt
4 sdm minyak goreng / 4 tbsps cooking oil
2 cm kayu manis / 2 cm cinnamon stick
3 butir cengkeh / 2 cloves
500 ml santan, dari 1/4 butir kelapa / 500 ml coconut milk from 1/4 coconut

Bumbu halus / Spices (ground)
6 butir bawang merah / 6 shallots
2 siung bawang putih / 2 cloves garlic
2 butir kemiri sangrai / 2 candlenuts
2 cm jahe / 2 cm ginger
4 cm kunyit / 4 cm tumeric
2 sdt ketumbar sangrai / 2 tsps toasted coriander
1/4 sdt jintan / 1/4 tsp cumin
2 butir kapulaga / 2 cardamom
1 sdt gula pasir / 2 tsp sugar
1/2 sdt garam / 1/2 tsp salt

Taburan / Topping
2 sdm kucai iris / 2 tbsps sliced chives
2 sdm bawang goreng / 2 tbsps fried onion
Cabai kering bubuk / dry ground chilli

1. Rebus daging dengan air bersama daun salam, lengkuas, serai, dan garam hingga empuk. Angkat, keluarkan daging dari air perebusnya. Ukur kaldu sebanyak +/- 1250 ml.
2. Potong-potong daging ukuran 1x2 cm. Masukkan potongan daging ke dalam panci kaldu. Jerang kembali kaldu bersama daging di atas api.
3. Panaskan minyak goreng dalam wajan, tumis bumbu halus. Masukkan kayu manis dan cengkeh, aduk hingga berbau harum dan matang, angkat. Masukkan bumbu tumis ke dalam panci kaldu, aduk. Tuangi santan, masak hingga mendidih sambil ditimba-timba supaya santan tidak pecah, angkat.
4. Pindahkan masakan ke dalam mangkuk saji, taburi kucai dan bawang goreng. Hidangkan selagi hangat bersama cabai bubuk.


1. Boil the meat in water together with the bay leaves, galangal, lemongrass, and salt until tender. Lift, remove the meat from the water. Measure the stock about +/- 1250 ml.
2. Cut the beef into pieces the size of 1x2 cm. Add the beef to the pan gravy. Heat again the stock with the meat.
3. Heat oil on a skillet, saute ground spices. Add the cinnamon stick and cloves, stirring, until fragrant and cooked, remove from heat. Put a stir-fry seasoning stock to the pan, stirring. Pour the coconut milk, cook until boiling, stir occassionally to prevent the coconut milk from curdling., remove from heat.
4. Transfer the dish into a serving bowl, sprinkled with chives and fried onions. Serve while warm with chili powder.


Tahu Gejrot.
Just to remind you again, as I wrote in my previous posting; Tahu Gejrot is crisp-fried tofu bathed in a thin, dark sauce flavored with green chili and shallots. A popular street food and getting famous in our country. Super easy to make with the delicious exotic unique flavor.

The main point is using a right type of tofu for the perfect result. From the book that I got this recipe recomends to use 'tahu pong', that when it's fried, it'll be bubbled, the size will be double, the inside part is hollow and have dry thin skin. After all, it has a beautiful perfect texture to absorb the seasoning sauce to enjoy together with the crushed seasoning (crushed chilli and shallots). All are combined that make a nice harmony of the flavor.

Tahu Gejrot

Bahan / Ingredients:
300 gr tahu pong / 300 gr tofu
Minyak untuk menggoreng / Cooking oil for frying

Bumbu kuah / Seasoning sauce:
75 gr gula merah sisir / 75 gr brown sugar
300 ml air / 300 ml water
2 sdt air asam jawa pekat / 2 tsp tamarine water
1/2 sdt garam / 1/2 tsp salt

Bumbu Tumbuk / Crushed Seasoning :
2 siung bawang putih / 2 cloves garlic
8 butir bawang merah / 8 shallots
4 buah cabe rawit / 4 bird's eye chillies
1/2 sdt garam / 1/2 tsp salt
1 sdt kecap manis / 1 tsp sweet soy sauce

1. Potong-potong tahu berbentuk dadu 2 cm. Panaskan minyak yang banyak dalam wajan, goreng tahu hingga kecoklatan dan matang, angkat, tiriskan, sisihkan.
2. Bumbu kuah: Taruh gula merah dan air dalam panci. Jerang hingga mendidih dan gula larut. Tambahkan air asam jawa, dan garam, aduk, angkat. Saring, sisihkan.
3. Bumbu tumbuk: Gerus bawang putih hingga halus, tambahkan bawang merah, cabai dan garam, gerus kasar. Masukkan kecap manis, aduk rata.
4. Penyajian: Tahuh tahu dalam piring atau cobek, tekan-tekan hingga terbelah*, kemudian tuangi bumbu kuah. Tambahkan bumbu tumbuk sesuai selera. Sajikan segera.


1. Cut the tofu into dice-shaped 2 cm. Heat lots of cooking oil in a skillet, fry until browned and cooked out, remove, drain and set aside.
2. Seasoning sauce: Place the brown sugar and water in saucepan. Heat until boiling and sugar dissolves. Add tamarind water and salt, stir, remove from heat. Strain and set aside.
3. Seasoning (crushed) : Crush the garlic until smooth, add the shallots, chilies and salt, coarse crush. Pour the soy sauce and stir well.
4. Serving : Put the tofu in a plate or a mortar, tap-tap to split *, then pour the seasoning sauce. Add the crushed seasoning. Serve immediately.


Anonymous said…
hi mbak vania. Foto-fotonya bagus, deh. aku dari fimela.com tertarik untuk ajak kerjasama. Pls email me, riri@fimela.com ya mbak. cheers!
l'etudie said…
your pictures are always the best!

Keep up the good work :D
Vijitha said…
My god! I am lost for words for your pictures. So stunning!
Dwiana said…
Yuhuu... Van. Thanks for visiting my blog. I am blogging again tapi gk sering.
I am glad I come back here to see your cooking and always stunning click!
Elsye said…
Van...ngeces langsung liat postingan lo yang ini hihihihi..sharp banget gambarnya ;D
Vania said…
Mbak Riri,
thanks. Aku dah kirim emailnya. Cheers!

Vonny, Vijitha, Dwi, Elsye...thanks.
Ira Rodrigues said…
hiiyahhh, resep empal gentong dah kluar, loncat2, cihuy...
Anonymous said…
kapan2 aku contek resepnya yach Mbak Vania..:)
Rere said…
Hey mbak Vania, saya kesengsem sama resep tahu gejrot nya. Saya contek ya mbak...

Makasih sebelom nya :)
Anonymous said…
mba vania,

resep tahu gejrotnya saya upload ke pinterest, boleh.
ke pinterestnya saya sendiri.

terima kasih sebelumnya.