[Click-Metal] Strawberry Cupcakes with Strawberry Frosting

This is my very first entry to the Click Monthly Event, which for this month the theme is "Show us your METAL".
Like every years, March is a very special month for me personally. This is the time when I have to make my own birthday cake to be enjoyed by my beloved husband & children.
This year, I made strawberry cup cakes completed with the strawberry frosting on top. I think the cup cake was very perfect, it tasted really like natural strawberry. The frosting was a bit too sweet though. Reduce the sugar down to two cups would make it just perfect.
This picture was taken after I had done the finishing of the birthday cup cakes.

Spuit & StrawberryFrosting

pic: Star Nozzle & Strawberry Frosting

Strawberry Cupcakes
makes 1 dozen
2/3 cup whole fresh or frozen strawberries, thawed
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour, sifted
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon coarse salt
1/4 cup whole milk, room temperature
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, room temperature
1 cup sugar
1 large egg, room temperature
2 large egg whites, room temperature
'Sprinkles' Strawberry Frosting

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line a 12-cup muffin tin with cupcake liners; set aside.
2. Place strawberries in a small food processor; process until pureed. You should have about 1/3 cup of puree, add a few more strawberries if necessary or save any extra puree for frosting; set aside.
3. In a medium bowl, whisk together flour, baking powder, and salt; set aside. In a small bowl, mix together milk, vanilla, and strawberry puree; set aside.
4. In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, cream butter on medium-high speed, until light and fluffy. Gradually add sugar and continue to beat until well combined and fluffy. Reduce the mixer speed to medium and slowly add egg and egg whites until just blended.
5. With the mixer on low, slowly add half the flour mixture; mix until just blended. Add the milk mixture; mix until just blended. Slowly add remaining flour mixture, scraping down sides of the bowl with a spatula, as necessary, until just blended.
6. Divide batter evenly among prepared muffin cups. Transfer muffin tin to oven and bake until tops are just dry to the touch, 22 to 25 minutes. Transfer muffin tin to a wire rack and let cupcakes cool completely in tin before icing.

Strawberry Cupcakes

Strawberry Frosting
Makes enough for 1 dozen cupcakes.
1/2 cup whole frozen strawberries, thawed
1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter, firm and slightly cold
Pinch of coarse salt
3 1/2 cups confectioners' sugar, sifted (reduce to 2 cups)
1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

Place strawberries in the bowl of a small food processor; process until pureed. In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, beat together butter and salt on medium speed until light and fluffy. Reduce mixer speed and slowly add confectioners' sugar; beat until well combined. Add vanilla and 3 tablespoons strawberry puree (save any remaining strawberry puree for another use); mix until just blended. Do not overmix or frosting will incorporate too much air. Frosting consistency should be dense and creamy, like ice cream.

Source : Martha Stewart website


Anonymous said…
Mbak Vaniaaa, selamat ulang tahuuunnn. Semoga panjang umur dan sehat selaluuu. Wish you all the best yap! :))

Peluk sayang buat Patricia & Patrick :-*
Vania said…
cepet amat nongolnya.
Baru aja posting kog udah baca sih?
Thank you ya... hi..hi..hi.. malu :).
Gimana Jakarta? denger2 ujan melulu yah? moga2 gak kebanjiran Yu. Di sini lagi puanaaas. Katanya ini masih 'spring'. Ntar May baru 'real summer'! aduhhh... kudu segera potong rambut niy :D
Hugs from P&P.
Epilicious said…
Happy birtday ya mba... Looks really yummy, aku test ya resepnya :p soalnya waktu itu pernah bikin dari resep lain hasilnya kurang :)
Anonymous said…
Mbak Vania, salam kenal.
Sering maen kemari krn blog nya cantik bgt.
Selamat ulang tahun ya Mbak, semoga selalu diberi berkat melimpah dalam hidup dan keluarga :)
Kapan bikin shoutbox Mbak
Widya Puteri said…
happy birthday dear..
mudah-mudahahn panjang umur, makin disayang dan menyayang keluarga ;P
dari dulu hiatus posting sampe aktif lagi, aku tetep jadi penggemar setiamu mbak yu
Rita Sella said…
Vania.... apa kabar ? glad you back...

Selamat Ulang Tahun Va...ada yg bilang, we grow old because we stop playing.... so keep playing then ! ^_^

gimana mumbai ?
Vania said…
Epoy, Nana, Widya, Rita...
thank you-thank you-thank you-thank you banget.
kabarin ya, kalo dah nyobain resepnya.
Kayagnya gak bikin shoutbox deh. DUlu pernah pasang, tapi gak sempet mbalesin, gak enak ati jadinya.
Ahhh dikau... bisa ajah.
hay... he..he.. I'll keep play in the kitchen :D
Mumbai, mmm awesome. Menarik. Tapi sekarang rada panas-menjelang summer. Gimana OZ?
Deby Suwito said…
Dear Vania,

Selamat ultah ya. Itu strawberry frostingnya bikin ngeces abiezz...lovely, as usual! Love it.
Foni said…
cakep bangettttttt... kyknya enakkkkk
Foni said…
and happy bday..ketinggalan hehe
yenny said…
mba Vaniaaa pa kbr??? duuh udah jauuh bgt yaa skr:) g bisa nelpon2an lg deeh:D mba, waktu itu aku nyoba bikin peanut butter muffinnya enak bgt deh, tapi kok knp muffinku g bisa mekarr yaaa?? jadi bantet gitu..kira2 kesalahan daku dimana ya? mau tipsnya dunk. pingin nyoba lagi.
thank u yaah mba V
Happy Belated bday yaah...nd wish u all the best!!sakura
Anonymous said…
met ultah ya, telaat banget deh. kalo bener tgl 27 mar, temen baik gue jg sama tanggalannya :D
Anonymous said…
Haloooo. lam kenal..
Blognya bagus banget..
isinya juga enak dibaca. Tapi blm pernah nyoba sih...
~s h i n t a~ said…
Woow, i missed your birthday, Happy Belated Birthday ya mbaaaak... masih kebagian strawberry cupcakenya ga ya? Hihihi... Wishing you all the best, moga2 posting resepnya rutin lagi, kangen banget ama foto2 mbak Vania...
All about Free said…
Thanks Vania!!!
fennypurnawan said…
Vanis, masih penasaran nih. Waktu memotret strawberry cupcakes yang kelihatan lezat ini, pakai kamera Canon A710 IS atau 300 D? Tks
Anonymous said…
Hallo mbak Vania, resep muffinnya semua keliatannya enak2, jadi pengen ikutan bikin. :) tapi saya gak punya cetakan muffin, adanya cetakan bolu kukus warisan nyokap. Kira2 bisa nggak ya kl bikin muffin pake cetakan bolu kukus? Thanx.
Mel said…
Met kenal Vania.Blognya bagus dan gambarnya juga okey loh.Lain kali dicontek ya resep2nya.
Dita said…
Van, join yuk di sini http://foodiebloggerindonesia.ning.com/?xgi=6yXTSyL
gue tunggu ya :)
Nina Timm said…
I nearly lost my breath when I saw these cupcakes and I have seen many. They are simply adorable.
Anonymous said…
happy belated bday Vania ...
Dwiana P said…
Lah ini yg punya blog kemana yah?? gk nongol2. hayoh posting lagi Vania. biar gw tiru2 (ihi tukang copy kan gw)
Epilicious said…
Mba..aku uda test tapi hasilnya not as pretty as yours :( warnanya gak kuar pinky2 gitu, n frostingnya juga ikutin saran mba 2 cups aja tapi tetep manissssss bgt ya :p Mba, gimana sih kok frostingnya bisa bagus gitu? biar frostingnya lbh kokoh gitu... thanks ya. Tapi cake nya enakkkkk aku suka bgt.
Unknown said…

ia that a 6 point star nozzle you're using?
Rurie said…
Mb Van ini aku contek yah :D makasih.
Asti said…
Met kenal mba, ketagihan deh nyobain resep mba. Pasti mantap. Strawberry cupcakenya, the best!! Tapi bikin strawberry frostingnya kok susah banget. 2 kali bikin ancurr..ga kokoh, warnanya juga ga mantep...Punya mba kok bisa cantik gitu?? Bagi rahasianya dooong...