Banana Chocolate Chips Cookies
Awalnya rada gak yakin ama rasanya, ternyata sesuai dengan kata2 diawal resepnya, kalau cookies ini adalah kombinasi antara banana bread dan chocolate chips cookies (lucu gak sih?). Bagian luarnya crunchy bagian dalamnya chewy. Kaya banget rasanya, krn pake pisang, walnut, rolled oat plus chocolate chips.
Satu hal yg menurut gw cukup menarik adalah cookie dengan texture empuk gini ternyata kadar gulanya jauh lebih rendah dibanding dengan cookie yg crunchy luar dalam.
Bbrp hari setelah coba bikin cookie ini, kita lagi jalan di mall. Salah satu cookies shop yg cukup terkenal lagi bagi2 sample di luar tokonya. Gw ikutan Patrick nyomot 1 cookie kecil, crunchy emang tapi langsung kerasa terlalu manis u/ lidah gw. Sampe rumah, banding2in resep antar crunchy cookie dengan chewy & cakey cookie. Ternyata kuncinya ada di gula!
*Nah resep aslinya pake chocolate chunk (semisweet chocolate yg di potong2), cuma gw ganti pake chocolate chips. Source : Martha Stewart's Cookies, The Very Best Treats to Bake and to Share.
Banana-Walnut Chocolate-Chunk Cookies
1 cup all- purpose flour
1/2 cup whole wheat flour
1 tsp coarse salt
1/2 tsp baking soda
3/4 cup (1 1/2 sticks) unsalted butter, room temperature
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup packed light brown sugar
1 large egg
1 1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract
1/2 cup mashed ripe banana (about 1 large)
1 cup old-fashioned rolled oats
8 ounces semisweet chocolate, coarsely chopped into 1/2 inch chunks (~224 gr)*
1/2 cup coarsely chopped wanuts (about 2 ounces), toasted
1. Preheat oven to 375 F. Whisk together both flours, salt and baking soda in a bowl.
2. Put butter and both sugars into the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment; mix on medium speed until pale and fluffy. Reduce speed to low. Add egg and vanilla; mix until combined. Mix in banana. Add flour mixture just combined. Stir in oats, chocolate chunks, and walnut.
3. Using a 1 1/2 inch ice cream scoop, drop dough onto baking sheets lined with parchment paper, spacing about 2 inches apart. Bake cookies, rotating sheets halfway through, until golden brown and just set, 12-13 minutes. Let cool on sheets on wire racks 5 minutes. Transfer cookies to wire racks; let cool completely. Cookies can be stored in airtight containers at room temperature up to 2 days.
Makes about 3 dozen.
---use a ripe banana, which has more concentrated flavor and is easier to mash, than an unripe one.
i would like to dropp by your place *if i do transitting* just only for your cookies!! wink wik
sorry aku ge er van, ha ha
gak disuruh mampir malah menyodorkan diriku, hiks!
+ fotonya bikin gw drooling too!
kata2 mu yg bilang crunchy diluar chewy di dalam itu loooh....**ngelap iler**
mbak, pisangnya pisang apa ajah nih ya? bisa pisang ambon, raja sereh dll? ato ada pisang2 tertentukah?
ayoo mampir. Pls let me know when you will 'transit' in Mumbai.
Aku bakal siapin cookies-nya deh. .
Ra, aku mo pulang kampung niy, 14 June-22 July. Mampirnya ntar kalo aku dah balik ya.
Dwi, thanks...
iya niy, baru sempet posting.
Cookie-nya mengikuti bentuk yg bikin hua..ha..ha..
Biasanya yg rada tipis2 bakal lebih crunchy Dwi.
Ibunya Jasmine,
wahhh sama dong, tapi aku malah suka segala jenis cookie :)
Mbak pisangnya, gak terlalu special kog. Pisang yg sehari2 dimakan anak2 ajah. Yg penting udah cukup mateng deh.
iya, emang enak lho. Percaya gak, cuma 1 hari abiiis :o (malu2in)
Menjelang abis rebutan... Patrick ama papahnya :D
Kalo anak2 doyan ngemil kudu selalu siap siaga kita.
Wah mo bikin u/ cooking Friday... gw nontonnya dah di Jkt dung.
Oatnya gak perlu di seduh Dit, pindahin langsung '1 cup' dari bungkusnya ke mixing bowl. Good luck yah.
kalo gak nemu whole wheat flour, bisa disubstitusi ama all purpose flour dengan jumlah yg sama.
Mana tau dah kepengen, tp belum nemu tepungnya :)
big hugsss.. kangen bgt
kapan2 i contek ye
gue mo blg baru aja kelar bikin cookies ini,bener enak deh cookiesnya meskipun gue punya jadi nya giant cookies heheh engga serapi lo deh.