Potato Donuts

Donuts... always bring lots of joy.

Not only when those soft ring shape snacks are being eaten, but also right from the time we start mixing the ingredients, then watching the dry and wet ingredients are mixed inside the food processor and quickly become a dough. We are amazed to see how the dough 'grow' bigger, to learn how fermentation process were working on the right temperature, cutting the dough with the donuts cutter, untill the time when cooked donuts come fresh from the oil and sprinkling them with the sugar or dipped them in the melted chocolate.

Potato Donuts

Today, fancy donuts shops are easy to be found in every corners of the city. For me personally, classic donuts have a special place in my heart. In the small town where I grew up, my mom (and all my neighbours) used to make donuts from the scratch. There was no donut shop in the town, and there was no instant package of donuts ingredients sold in the shops.

For me, this Potato Donuts recipe is one from many donut recipes that I have tried which have almost a perfect result. I have been using this recipe for the last 2 or 3 years, and I'm always happy with the result. Mixing the mash potato into the dough creates a soft and unique texture to the donuts.

Potato Donuts

Donat Kentang
Source : Primarasa, Roti Goreng dan Kukus.

500 gram kentang
150 gr gula pasir
3 kuning telur
500 gr tepung terigu
1 bungkus (11 gr) ragi instan
1 sdm susu bubuk
100 gr margarin, lelehkan
minyak goreng
50 gr gula pasir, untuk taburan.

1. Cuci kentang, kukus hingga empuk dan matang, angkat. Kupas kulitnya selagi panas, lalu segera lumatkan menggunakan pelumat kentang (pakai garpu juga bisa). Sisihkan hingga dingin.

2. Kocok gula dan telur hingga mengembang dan kental, masukkan tepung terigu, kentang lumat, ragi instan dan susu bubuk, aduk rata. Masukkan margarin leleh, uleni hingga adonan kalis (tidak melekat di tangan). Diamkan adonan +/-45 menit supaya mengembang.

3. Kempiskan adonan dengan cara ditinju, lalu gilas setelah 1 cm. Cetak adonan dengan cetakan donat dan diamkan lagi selama 15 menit.

4. Panaskan minyak goreng yang banyak dalam wajan di atas api sedang. Masukkan bulatan adonan satu per satu. Siram-siramkan minyak di atas bulatan adonan hingga mengembang dan matang, angkat, tiriskan.

5. Taruh donat di atas rak kawat, nampan atau wadah datar, taburi atasnya dengan gula bubuk, sajikan.


Potato Donuts

500 grams potatoes
150 gr sugar
3 egg yolks
500 gr flour
1 packet (11 grams) instant yeast
1 tablespoon milk powder
100 gr margarine, melted
cooking oil
50 g sugar, for sprinkling.

1. Wash potatoes, steam until tender and cooked, remove from heat. Peel the skin while still hot, then immediately mash it using potato masher (a fork also works fine). Set aside to cool.

2. Beat sugar and eggs until fluffy and thick, add flour, mashed potatoes, instant yeast and milk powder, mix well. Add the melted margarine, knead until the dough is smooth (don't stick on hands). Let the dough stand for +/-45 minutes to inflate.

3. Punch the batter, then roll in about 1 cm thick. Cut using the donut cutter and let stand for another 15 minutes.

4. Heat oil in a skillet over medium heat. Put the dough one by one. Pour the oil over the doughs until get fluffy and cooked. Remove and drain.

5. Place donuts on a wire rack, tray or flat container, sprinkle top with sugar powder and serve.

Potato Donuts

Donuts. Is there anything they can't do? Matt Groening


Ira Rodrigues said…
donat kentang emang tidak pernah lekang dimakan waktu,hari gini kl gak bikin sendiri pasti yg ada kecewa berats hehehe
* foto out-door nya cakep
Anonymous said…
Di Indo gampang naik doughnya yach..disini kudu tunggu pas summer, abis Erie nich miskin matahari, apalagi sekarang2, udah Spring tapi masih dingin..:(
Love the picturessss..yang di bottles itu minuman apa Mbak?
Ratna Komala said…
mba..seperti biasa fotonya menggiurkan...my liitle one likes doughnut very much! biasa pake resep ncc, pengen nyoba yg ini ahh..nyontek ya mba...satu resep jadi berapa donut mba?
Vania said…
Ira... donat ala kampung ini :) tapi paling top rasanya.
Ra, foto itu sebenarnya indoor, cuma aku bawa bbrp pot masuk rumah. Thanks Ra.

yg di botol itu susu kedele. Ini sebenernya foto2 thn lalu, lupa di posting.
Bener Roos, kalo di sini adonan gampang naik, apalagi kalo udah nyalain oven dan matiin AC...dapur dah anget tuh Roos.

Ratna, jadinya banyaaak deh. Aku kadang bikin 1/2 resep. Pas u/ sekeluarga makan berkali2 :D
Jen Liffick said…
I do like ur article~!!!.......
dyahkristiani said…
Mbak Van, anak2ku cuman doyan donat kentang, gak doyan Jco *ngirit ya*, biasa pake resep NCC, semalem aku coba resep ini, lebih lembut mungkin krn kentang vs terigu nya 50:50. Semalem aku goreng 1/2 mateng, pagi2 aku matengin, Laras bangun tidur tanya: bau apa di bawah? aku mau makan...sarapan donat kentang oles mentega tabur meises ...nyaamm...Thanks for sharing the recipe ya !
free ebook said…
many said that potato donuts healthier than wheat donuts. recently, I've got a remedying recipe for all disease from a monk. it's juice of carrot and potato. it works for my mom's osteoarthritis :)
The recipe you have posted is very good, but I would like to see a post on healthy food for kids. My kids are very naughty and never want to take same food everyday. Also like to see a post on restaurant guide. In weekdays we use to go eating out and spend the evening in any countryside restaurants. Are you going to post something on this?
Food Junction said…
Awesome food item you have prepared. I like your recipe, but I would be glad if you put some short time recipes that I can prepare for my kids, Arne and Michael . They are my hearts and I like to see them having their breakfast delightfully. I too being a busy mom hardly get time to prepare some good meals.
ivana said…
Mbak mau tanya, resep donat kentangnya tdk pake air? Thx
Vania said…
Dear Ivana,
resepnya sesuai dengan di atas aja. Gak perlu ditambahkan air lagi.
Mentega cair sudah cukup untuk melumatkan bahan2 kering.
donat kentang emang enak, selain rasa donat, ada rasa kentangnya
hmmm yummy