Mie Godog

Delicious and Humble.
That's how I describe this kind of dish.

One night, a couple of days ago, just before went to bed... all of sudden I felt hungry, very hungry. It was 10 pm! I sat down in our dining table while drinking a cup of milk (it's enough to kick away my hunger) and opened one of my recipe books. Then I was drooling after seeing a picture of 'mie godog' in one page. I went to my bedroom, showed the picture to my husband and said 'this is the one that I'll cook tomorrow'.

The next morning, I found all I need in the market... and tarrraaa.... I had a delicious lunch! Simple ingredients, easy to make, delicious result, and I was full of happiness.

This noodle dish is popular in Java as Mie Godog Jawa or Mie Kuah Jawa. Both refer to this boiled noodle type of dish. There is no fancy ingredients, but with simple combination method, stiring and boiling, this fast healthy food can be served in your home.

Mie Godog
Source : Primarasa, Masakan Mie, Bihun dan Suun

Bahan / Ingredients
300 gr mie basah-segar / 300 gr 'wet-fresh' egg noodles
200 gr kol / 200 gr cabbage
2 buah tomat / 2 tomatos
2 batang daung bawang / 2 spring onions
2 batang seledri / 2 celery
1 potong (200 gr) dada ayam goreng / 1 piece (200 gr) fried chicken breast
4 sdm minyak goreng / 4 tbsp oil
1000 ml kaldu ayam / 1000 ml chicken stock
2 butir telur / 2 eggs
2 sdm kecap manis / 2 tbsp sweet soy sauce
2 sdm bawang goreng, untuk taburan / 2 tbsp fried onion
Bumbu Halus / Spices (ground)
6 butir bawang merah / 6 shallots
4 siung bawang putih / 4 garlic
4 butir kemiri goreng / 4 candlenut
1 1/2 sdt merica / 1 1/2 tsp white pepper
2 1/2 sdt garam / 2 1/2 tsp salt
Pelengkap / Complement
Emping goreng / melinjo nut crackers
Acar mentimun / cucumber pickles

Acar (L), Mie Godog (R)

Bahasa Indonesia:
1. Siram mie dengan air hangat, tiriskan. Iris kol 1 cm, belah-belah tomat, iris daun bawang dan seledri 1 cm. Suwir dada ayam, sisihkan.

2. Panaskan minyak goreng dengan wajan, tumis bumbu halus hingga harum dan bau langunya hilang, tuangi sedikit kaldu.

3. Masukkan kol, tomat dan daun bawang, aduk sebentar, Sisihkan sayur ke bagian pinggir wajan. Masukkan telur, aduk-aduk hingga telur berserabut.

4. Tuang sisa kaldu, masukkan kecap manis. Masak hingga mendidih, masukkan mie, ayam suwir dan seledri, aduk perlahan hingga seluruh bahan cukup matang, angkat.

5. Pindahkan mie ke dalam piring saji, taburi bawang goreng. Hidangkan selagi panas dengan pelengkap emping goreng dan acar mentimun.

Mie Godog Kumplit

1. Rinse the noodles with warm water, drain. Slice the ​​cabbage 1 cm wide, cut wedges the tomatoes, slice ​​the onion and celery 1 cm wide. Tear the chicken breast and set aside.

2. Heat oil in a skillet, saute ground spices until fragrant and smell good, pour a bit of chicken stock.

3. Add cabbage, tomatoes and spring onions, stir briefly, move the vegetables to the edge of the pan. Add the eggs and stir until they get stringy.

4. Pour the remaining stock, add soy sauce. Cook until boiling, put the noodles, chicken pieces and celery, stir slowly until all ingredients are cooked enough, then remove from heat.

5. Transfer the noodles into a serving dish, sprinkle with fried onions. Serve hot with complementary chips and cucumber pickles.

Acar Mentimun / Cucumber Pickles
Bahan / Ingredients:
500 gr mentimun / 500 gr cucumbers
500 gr wortel / 500 gr carrots
*cabe rawit, buang tangkainya (optional) / bird's eye chillies
Aduk rata / Mix together:
200 ml air matang / 200ml (cooked) water
2 sdt gula pasir / 2 tsp sugar
2 sdm cuka masak / 2 tbsp vinegar
1 sdt garam / 1 tsp salt

Bahasa Indonesia:
1. Buang bagian isi mentimun dan tengah wortel yang keras. Cuci bersih.
2. Potong masing-masing ukuran dadu 1 - 1 1/2 cm
3. Campur mentimun, wortel (dan cabe rawit). Tuangin larutan gula cuka. Aduk-aduk hingga rata. Diamkan selama 1 jam agar meresap dan agak layu.
4. Sajikan.

English :
1. Discard the inside part of cucumber and carrot. Clean both.
2. Cut each into cube size 1-1 1 / 2 cm
3. Mix the cucumber, carrots (and chillies). Add the vinegar-sugar mix. Stir until blended. Let stand for 1 hour to absorb and slightly wilted.
4. Serve.


sj photography said…
makasi resepnya..mo bikin juga, btw photo kamu jg bikin saya kepengen mie godog sprt km kpgn bikin pas liat foto di buku resep..:)
Ira Rodrigues said…
wah mie godognya yg pasti bikin kriuk2 van
* fotonya bening, suka sm napkin dg strip wrn oranye, hmmm..cakep
Vania said…
Mikki, thanks.

sj, sama-sama... semoga sukses mie godognya. Saya juga sempet bikin lagi 2-3 hari kemudian, saking kepengennya :D

Ira, enak Ra... hebadnya Patrick gak doyan *aneh*. Dia selalu prefer nasi drpd mie.
Ra, itu sebenarnya 'kitchen towel', beli di Mumbai, Rs 10 sajah :) ...tp aku pake u/ motret doang.
Anonymous said…
Mie godog asli mana Mbak Vania? jadi pengen...pasti yummy dimakan pas dingin2..:)
culinary said…
kayaknya enak nih resepnya, patut dicobain
Vania said…
Roos, ini banyak di 'Jawa'. Dulu aku pertama nyoba di Jogja, di sana cukup popular.
Bener Roos, dingin2 makan mie anget, aduuuh nikmatnya.

yup, wajib dicoba, ueeenak bgt.
Oline said…
Duh acarnyaaa.. mupeng dehhh..
Bikinin dong mba :D ahahaa...
Anonymous said…
Great post.!