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....by me, for me.


Anonymous said…
Hi Mbak Vania, apa kabar? Selamat Ulang tahun :) Kok nga ada crita2nya... dan resep cake ultahnya? :)
Anonymous said…
Mbak Vania.. happy birthday yah.. may all your wishes come true this year =)
Anonymous said…
Mbak Vania, happy belated birthday yaa. Semoga panjang umur dan sehat selalu :) Peluk sayang buat Patricia dan Patrick :))
Anonymous said…
Mbak Vaniaaa,
wsemoga panjang umur.... hehehe standar banget yak...
Apdet dong mbak...
Yuli P. Digdo said…
Many happy returns of the day, always in good health, wish you all the best. Have a very happiest b’day.

Ditunggu resep2ya yg ok-ok ituw :)
Anonymous said…
Mbak vania, happy birthday..
aku senang baca2 resep diblog ini, meski ga suka masak..
ohya mba, aku disamarinda loh..heheh..ga penting ya..?
A. Ann said…
Happy Birthday Mba Vania..:-)
Esti said…
Happy belated birthday Vania.
May your wish come true, always in good health and feel happy.
Hugs, Esti
Ana said…
Mba Vania...Happy belated birthday ya.... Boleh Ana link ya Mba blognya... Thank you
Anonymous said…
Happy birthday ibuuu....with a special wish that you'll be happy and blessed today and always...

muacch....muach utk patricia and patrick yaa...
Anonymous said…
dear vania,

wishing you a very happy birthday and many happy returns.

salam kangen dari hanoi.

mbak syl dan keluarga
Happy bday,Van. GBU!!!
Anonymous said…
Vania, met ultah dan panjang umur ya...kuenya bagi2 ya..:D
Anonymous said…
happy belated b'day mba vania..may all the wishes be true. (btw.ultah kita sama niyy..:p)
Happy Belated Bday Mbak Vania!, Never too late to wish you all the best in this coming years!
Foni said…
happy belated bday
seneng banget liat blognya, kue2nya yahuddd apalagi foto2nya
ayooo masukin lagi postingan bout coklat cakeeeee