Merry Christmas everyone!

... no christmas baking,
no christmas cooking in our kitchen
and there is no christmas tree in our living room...

From our clean and cold kitchen,
We wish you A Sweet Christmas
A Savory New Year

We will be leaving Jakarta on Dec 27, 2007.
The next recipes will be posted from our new kitchen in Mumbai, India.
I'll see you again!


Dita said…
Merry Xmas Van!! Jadi sekarang basecamp di India? can't wait to read your story from Mumbai :)
Unknown said…
Mba Van, gimana pindahannya? Waduh.. Udah lama bgt neh ga ada postingan baru. Ayo..ayo..sudah banyak yg nunggu postingan baru.. *biggest grin*
Vania said…
dita, 'cherry'...
iya nih, dah di Mumbai sekarang.
masih tinggal di temporary apt, komputer belom nyampe...masih nebeng kompi suami.
Mungkin Feb baru posting lagih. sorry.
Thx for coming ...
happy cooking, happy baking, happy new year!
Anonymous said…
Mba Vania, salam kenal dari Gita diBandung ( masih belum ada postingan baru ya...ditunggu mba...aku minta ijin sering nyoba resep kuenya dan copy resepnya mba...