[Click-Heirloom] Lasting Brand

That green glass bottle looks like a typical beer bottle. It is Limonadestroop, the text on the bottle that has never changed for the last 75 years.
Sarang Sari is the brand of the red sweet syrup that has become our favorite drink during hot weather. Not only in our family, it is popular in my parents as well; the syrup is always available in their house.

The Lasting Brand

Sarang Sari is one of the old brands that still survives among the more popular soda drinks these days. It was born with the name of 'De Friesche Boerin' with a Dutchman face as a logo on 1934. Since 1959, when the Indonesian first president Soekarno started to nationalize all foreign companies, one Indonesian family bought this company. They renamed the brand to Sarang Sari and changed the logo to a face of Balinese woman dancer.

Sarang Sari

Unfortunately, the popularity began to sink since 1990. Today they produce only 240.000 bottles per-year, with only 61 workers working in the factory and 21 workers in the office. The syrup use pure sugarcane as the raw material and since the sugar price keeps going up, the selling price of the product also increases. As a result, Sarang Sari finds itself difficult to compete with other drinking products.
Anyhow, I hope it will survive until 1000 years! The first picture above is my entry for Click September 2009. The theme for this month is Heirloom.


oky said…
sirupnya beli dimana tuh mbak?
salam kenal :D
Vania said…
Oky, salam kenal jg.
Di Jakarta, kadang ada di Hero. Tapi terakhir aku nemu di Hypermart. Ada bbrp rasa, tp aku prefer 'manalagi' atau 'vanilla'.
Nisa-mom said…
Mbaaaa...foto nya kereeeen..!! very informatif, I agree..hope this brand will survive for 1000 years. Thank GOD, I still can find easily here,in St.Louis.. kind of expensive but I don't mind as long as I can still enjoy drink Sarang Sari and share with my daughter.
Unknown said…
OMG Vania... takes me back to my childhood! great photo btw. aku di Los Angeles and u make me homesick...
bee said…
there's something for you at jugalbandi. congrats!!!
Nisa-mom said…
Mbaaaaaaaaaaa... congrats yaa,yuhuuu..potona juara lagi.. :)
Tuty said…
Congrats again Vania.

Aduh jadi kangen sirup mocha nya Sarang Sari. Masih ada nggak ya?
Dwiana P said…
baru iseng2 ngeblog lagi ini gw. congrat van fotonya. unik and cantik! btw, itu si syrup beneran yah bikin diriku kangen euy.
Food and story said…
mb vania...selamat deh, fotonya memang cakep :), itu sirup kesukaan saya.hmmmm yummy
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kata nya jg sbagai obat hepatitis ya..? thnk nh info nya, nyari tp nga ketemu2.. thnk mba vania..
Indonesia Eats said…
Sarangsari masih ada yahh? hikss udah lama bangettt minum ini