Pearl Sagoo Porriage with Steam Banana & Fermented Cassava

For the last couple of weeks, almost every morning until afternoon we could enjoy beautiful sunshine here, in Jakarta. Then late afternoon, the weather changes very quickly... big rain come, soon the after-office hour traffics get worst.

Sun and rain, the combination of both are good for plants. Now, we really enjoy lots of beautiful red flowers that are blooming around our house. To be honest, since we had this our own house a couple of years ago, we let our yard to be covered by green grass; no flowers, no other plants. The reason is we want our children who like to do outdoor activities to play freely. My son can play soccer anytime he wants in the yard, or both of our children can play 'rain' in the garden and I don't need to worry they will destroy the plants/flowers. Our plan is we will start to decorate our yard when both children are teenagers :)), but next month I'll start to plant some herbs in our backyard.

Now, some of the trees that grow outside of our wall fence have started to bloom. Some of the branches and flowers get into our garden. We really enjoy it every day! Very beautiful.

Pearl Sagoo Sweet Porriage with Banana & Fermented Cassava

During the quick changing weather, I tought it was nice to have food that good to be served either in hot or cold weather. Something that can be served warm and cold, as well.
So, last Friday I decided to prepare this sweet porriage, Pearl Sagoo Porriage. It is very easy to prepare it. Again, does not require special skill. Make sure you have pandan leaves, that will provide a special aroma to the porriage. I chose steam banana and fermented cassava to accompany this delicious porriage. You also can substitute the banana with jack fruit or even durian.

I enjoyed this warm sweet porriage on Friday afternoon, while the big rain poured our city, and I enjoyed it in cold on Saturday, before and after my two wisdom teeth were taken (yup, I just got a minor teeth surgery last weekend! I hate it!!).
Anyway, both cold and warm porriage were super delicious... but I prefer the cold one :)


Bubur Sagu Mutiara
Bahan :
750 ml santan dari 1/2 butir kelapa
3 lembar daun pandan
5 buah pisang kepok rebus.
200 gr gula pasir
1/2 sdt garam
250 gr sagu mutiara kering
air untuk merebus sagu mutiara
Tape Singkong/peuyeum, potong kotak-kotak (1 cm).

1. Masak santan bersama daun pandan, potongan pisang rebus, gula dan garam sampai mendidih sambil ditimba-timba supaya santan tidak pecah. Setelah gula laruh, angkat.
2. Rebus sagu mutiara dalam air mendidih sampai berwarna bening dan matang, angkat, tiriskan. Siram dengan air dingin, sisihkan.
3. Masukkan sagu mutiara rebus ke dalam kuah santan, aduk rata.
4. Penyajian: Taruh bubur dalam mangkuk saji, tambahkan potongan tape singkong. Sajikan hangat atau dingin.

**perlu diingat bahwa sagu mutiara ini mudah menyerap cairan, sehingga akan lebih baik apabila pencampuran kuah santan dan sagu mutiara dilakukan apabila bubur ini akan disajikan.

Pearl Sagoo Sweet Porriage

Pearl Sagoo Porriage
750 ml coconut milk from 1/2 coconut
3 pandan leaves
5 steam banana, slice about 1 cm
200 gr sugar
1/2 tsp salt
250 gr dry pearl sagoo
water to boil the dry pearl sagoo
fermented cassava, cut into 1 cm squares

1. Boil the coconut milk with pandan leaves, sliced banana, sugar and salt. Stir well until the sugar is dissoved completely.
2. Cook pearl sagoo in boiling water until done and become tranparent. Rinse with cold water and drain.
3. Add the pearl sagoo to the coconut milk sauce. Stir well.
4. Serve the porrige in a bowl, add some fermented cassava square. You can enjoy it either warm or cold.

** please note that the pearl sagoo absorb liquid fast. So my suggestion: mix the cooked pearl sagoo with coconut sauce just before you serve it.


Enak banget keliatannya.. apalagi aku doyan tape singkong. Yumm
Patricia said…
Terima kasih buat sharingnya.
Semalam saya buat Kolak Sagu Mutiara versi mbak dengan pisang dan nangka. Biasanya suami dan anak2 kurang suka kolak dengan ubi kukus tapi dengan versi mbak ini, ludes sampai kering mangkoknya :-))). Saya gunakan sagu mutiara yang tidak berwarna dan menggantikan gulanya jadi gula batak.
Anonymous said…
Good morning,

My name is Layse Farias and I am a program assistant at the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO). I am writing to you because I would like to ask you for your support with a project our organization is developing.

Let me first explain the situation to you. UNPO is a membership organization. Our members are unrecognized nations, minorities and indigenous peoples around the world. Because the current situation of many of our members is not well publicized in the media, we are developing several projects to promote their cause. One of them is a Cook Book, in which we hope to gather traditional recipes from the regions our members come from.

South Moluccas has been a member of the UNPO since 1991. Ever since then, we have cooperated in several projects together to promote their cause and guarantee better conditions for their people. We would like to include a Bubur Sagu recipe in our book, as we were told this is a very popular dish among Maluku people. The only problem is that being a small organization and running on a very low budget we are not able to hire a professional photographer to take the pictures for us, which is why we are looking for photographers who would be willing to cede us the right to use their photos for our book. We found your picture very nice and would like to ask you if you could help us by allowing us to use it in the UNPO Cook Book. We would also certainly make sure you get proper accreditation for your picture.

Please let us know what you think by replying to my UNPO email address:

If you would like to find out more about our organization, you can visit our website at: or our facebook page:

Thank you very much for your support!
Kind regards,

Layse Farias
wah maknyuzzzz..