"Thank You"

I've just arrived home from the beautiful Bali Island this afternoon. It was an enjoyable great trip.

Hundreds of pictures have been loaded into my compact flash card. I have no idea when I'll have time to edit and share them with you.

Table Setting @ Westin Hotel, Nusa Dua, Bali

I feel so grateful that I have a chance to visit this wonderful place (again) and photograph their rich traditional culture and beautiful sceneries.

Thanks very much to my Parents & my sister who took care of our children during my short vacation, it gave me a chance to spend intimate time with my husband and recharged my energy. *Special thanks to my darling husband to let me join his business trip :))

Now, I'm back.
I just want to say thank you to all readers for your support. Many many thanks to all of you who wrote comments in this blog. I'm sorry for my late reply.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Nisa-mom said…
Happy Thanksgiving mba..! and congrats for your award, ahaaa.. udah pasti harus di coba tuh panacota nya.. wong adik ku udah nyoba dia bilang enaaaaaaak..
Ira Rodrigues said…
selamat datang kembali ke Jakarta van
*nunggu foto2 yg lain di up lot

pasar ikan kedonganan yg menawan masih hiruk pikuk di pagi hari, menunggumu kembali tahun depan :))

* i must say, i am so glad have meet up with you in the real life
You have got a very Nice Hubby, Good to know that he allowed you to join his Business trip, Quality time along with Work.
Anonymous said…
Welcome back Mbak Vania...can't wait to see the Bali pictures!
Julia said…
Mba Vania, Iam waiting..when you have time to edit and share with us.
Ratna Amalia said…
Met kenal mbak Vania.
Selama ini aku cuma jadi 'ghost reader' blog-nya dirimu ;)
Luv your picts & recipe.
Tuty said…
I know that the pictures are going to be beautiful as always...

Can't wait to see them, Vania.

Thank you for the Thanksgiving wishes.
wow... something diff... something gorgeous in here :)

salam kenal..
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Anonymous said…
hi mbak vania!
seneng banget abis jalan2 di bali..
can't wait to see the photos.

selamat menyambut Natal!
it's 8 days left. ;)

dapuratika said…
mbak vania.. aku izin link blogmu yah.. i love this blog.. thank you so much:)