Bolu Sakura (Sakura 'Sponge' Cake)
*my family fall in love with 'molten chocolate cake' and I baked it again and again!
I'll post the recipe on my next posting.
I need to used other method than baking; need something different.
Finally I got another idea; steaming, steaming something for dessert/snacking! I knew where to find the recipe for it; the Indonesian Snack recipe book.
Steaming is one of the popular cooking methods to make snacks in this country, other than frying. In the old days, baking was not that popular here. Oven is a luxury household appliance. However, there is a traditional oven; a small aluminium box that we put on top of the stove.
*I don't use that one in my kitchen, I use my 12 years old standing gas oven.
Steamed cake/snack become more popular, that's why most of Indonesian traditional snacks that we call 'kue basah' (~wet cake) are produced by steaming method.
This time, I tried Bolu Sakura (Sakura Cake). Individual sponge cake with caramel flavor, and for sure not using 'sakura flower' as an ingredient :). These cute moist flower shape cakes are good for afternoon snack.
Bolu Sakurasource : Primarasa, Serba Manis dari Terigu.
Bahan / Ingredients:
mentega/margarin untuk olesan / butter / margarine to spread
tepung terigu untuk taburan / wheat flour for dusting the mold
225 gr tepung terigu serba guna / 225 gr all-purpose flour
1/2 sdt baking powder / 1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 sdt soda kue / 1/2 tsp baking soda
250 gr gula pasir / 250 gr granulated sugar
2 butir telur / 2 eggs
50 ml mentega/margarin cair / 50 ml melted butter/margarine
1. Siapkan cetakan kue bolu sakura (bentuk bunga) olesi dengan mentega/margarin, lalu taburi tepung tipis-tipis. Campur tepung terigu, baking powder dan soda kue, ayak, sisihkan. Panaskan air dalam dandang hingga mendidih. Bungkus tutup dandang dengan serbet.
2. Taruh 125 gr gula pasir di dalam wajan datar atau panci, panaskan di atas api, masak hingga kecoklatan dan menjadi karamel. Tuangi air sedikit demi sedikit, aduk perlahan hingga mendidih dan tidak menggumpal, angkat, sisihkan.
3. Kocok telur bersama sisa gula hingga kental dan mengembang. Masukkan gula karamel, dan kocok hingga rata, angkat mikser.
4. Masukkan tepung terigu, aduk menggunakan spatula sambil tambahkan mentega cair sedikit demi sedikit hingga tercampur rata.
5. Tuang adonan ke dalam cetakan yang sudah disediakan hingga 3/4 penuh. Masukkan cetakan ke dalam dandang, tutup dandang, kukus selama 15-20 menit hingga kue matang.
6. Buka tutup dandang. Keluarkan cetakan dari dandang, biarkan agak dingin.
Keluarkan dari cetakan, hidangkan.
1. Prepare the sakura sponge cake molds (flower shape), spread with butter / margarine, then dust with flour lightly. Mix the flour, baking powder and baking soda, sifted, set aside. Heat up water in a steamer to boil. Wrap the steamer lid with a cloth napkin.
2. Put 125 gr sugar in a flat pan or saucepan, heat over a stove fire, cook until brown and caramelized. Pour water gradually, stir slowly until boiling and not clot, remove, set aside.
3. Beat the eggs with the remaining sugar until getting thick and fluffy. Pour the caramel sugar, and beat until blended, turn of the mixer.
4. Put the flour, stir using a spatula while gradually adding melted butter until well blended.
5. Pour batter into each mold up to 3/4 full. Put the molds into the steamer, cover the steamer, steam for 15-20 minutes until getting done.
6. Open the steamer lid. Remove the mold from the steamer, let cool slightly.
Remove from the molds, serve.
*ingat prnh makan bolu sakura ini van tapi duluuuuuuu sekali, ada slightly rasa ginger-nya, gak tau apa lidahku yg salah
emang natural lighting is the best ya.
bikin behind the scene lagi doong :D