Another beautiful escape; Jatiluhur Lake, West Java.

For many of us who spent our primary school in Indonesia, we must have learned about 'the biggest dam or the biggest hydro-power in Indonesia' name Jatiluhur nearby Purwakarta, West Java.
For many of us who live in Jakarta or Bandung or both and spend many-many times travelling through Purbalenyi toll highway, must be familiar with this exit signage. See the picture below.

otw to Jatiluhur

After about 30 years familiar with the name of Jatiluhur, and after countless times passing this road signage without paying too much attention or even having any desires to explore that place, finally 2 weeks ago we managed to visit that one of the most important infrastructures in this country.
Actually, the idea came from my husband, who had experience visiting this place long years ago. So in one beautiful morning, we travelled from Jakarta, took about 1.5 hour from our home, enjoyed our homemade cinnamon rolls and coffee along the way, then finally ...the mighty dam was right in front of us!
For your information, this area is located about halfway between Jakarta and Bandung via Cikampek-Purbaleunyi toll roads.

The Jatiluhur Lake 'a restricted area' Jatiluhur2

A huge massive concrete dam is standing strong on the one edge of Jatiluhur Lake facing north. Its official name is actually Ir.H.Juanda Multipurpose Dam, but most of the people call it 'Jatiluhur Dam'.
We were amazed. Our curiosity children were busy walking around and asking questions. Their father had the job to answer them, from A to Z.
The Jatiluhur Dam could accommodate 3 billion cubic of water from the mighty Citarum River. It was the first multipurpose dam in Indonesia. It took about 10 years to build in 1950's to generate electrical power for the expanding Java island. It also provides irrigation to millions acres of farm lands and fresh water fishery industry has been developed as well.
If you have the same curiosity like my children, you can go to this link about Jatiluhur Lake.

Waduk Jatiluhur

The area around the lake has been developed for tourism. Some facilities such as hotels, cottages, countless of restaurants and even a waterpark are available.

Since we went there only for a day trip, having limited time to explore the big area, so after the dam we continued our journey to visit the floating fish farm village, yes, right in the middle of the lake.

Using a rental traditional boat, we went a bit around the lake, approaching the dam and stop by in "the water village", that is a big fresh water floating fish farm that famous as a Ikan Keramba Jaring Apung or Keramba Fish Floating Net.

Jatiluhur Water Village Water Floating Fish Farm, Jatiluhur. kampungair3 kampungair2

We walked together on the narrow floating bridges and piers made of bamboo, steel structures & steel drums.
Enjoying the the fresh air, the wind, the sunshine and the waves.
Beautiful, very relaxing.
What a great experience we got.

Tired walking around under the sun, then we enjoyed delicious Sundanese lunch; steam rice, fried tofu and tempe, stir fried water spinach and fresh grilled fish. oh lallaa...


Back to the land, our children asked not to go straight home. They wanted to play kite that they bought before we went to the water village. No problem, why not.
It was a beautiful weather that time, clean air, clear sky, windy, good for flying kites.
Fresh young coconut water accompanying us while watching the children. Sweet and fresh.
Lots of families had picnic on shores of the lake. Many traditional snack were sold there.

drink? a boy and a kite kalapaMuda

I never imagine before how fun was the trip to Jatiluhur.

Now, I can say that this is one of good places to escape from the hectic metropolitan city! Not only refreshing our body and mind, but also giving good experience and knowledge for the children.



If you live in Jakarta or Bandung or Bogor or around one them, I recommend you to visit this place. Bring along your children, they will have fun and great experience.


jacklymartin said…
For lots of of us who live in Jakarta or Bandung or both & spend many-many times travelling through Purbalenyi toll highway, must be familiar with this exit signage.

taxi in high barnet
Anonymous said…
waduh ternyata bendungan jatiluhur dan sekitarnya itu keren banget ya mbak! nggak nyangka..

fotonya bagus semua ih mbak.
Vania said…
Nova, thanks.
Ntar kalo lagi ada wkt, otw from Bdg to Jkt atau sebaliknya, mampir dulu ke Jatiluhur, Nov. Seruuu... ini anak2 dah minta maen ke sana lagi.
Anonymous said…
wah mba vania sll pinter ngasiy tujuan2 yg srg ga kepikiran hehee jdi byk ide klo pengen jalan2..

u/ jatiluhur sendiri, aku pernah kesana, dan emg bener kata mba, tempatnya emg cocok buat jdi tujuan wisata brg keluarga...

keep up the good work ya mba...
Anonymous said…
Πολύ ωραιές οι συνταγες σας..... σημείωσα μερικες και θα τις δοκιμάσω!
Wahy said…
fotonya keren banget mbak, biki tempat yang biasa jadi keliatan luar biasa :D

p.s. aku suka banget sama foto-foto makanan dan resepnya, jd semangat masak lagi