Kue Pukis
As usual, November and rain come together.
Now, here in Jakarta almost everyday we shall 'enjoy' the rain that pouring the ground mostly in afternoon until night time. Nice warm morning sunshine is still granted by God for this city.
Computer, papers, Christmas songs, cookies, ...have become our friends through these busy and hectic days. It always happens in November. I managed to bake gingerbread cookies for my family, two times already and gone only after 2-3 days. There are lots of things to do for now till Christmas. I'm wishing for calm December, and also travelling to some new interesting places.

Back to the food...
I think most of Indonesians must be familiar with this snack. It is called Kue Pukis; Indonesian coconut milk cake. A humble simple street snack that easy to found in traditional markets.
For me... this cake is my savior when my children came to me and suddenly said,"Mom, tomorrow I have to bring Indonesian food for an event", it happens many times last October. Or after dinner I just realize that I have nothing to serve for my family breakfast. It's very easy to prepare, zero failure factor except you spill the dough, and all the ingredients always available in most of the kitchens.
With simple one, two, three steps; mix the ingredients one by one, leave them about 1/2 hour for fermentation, and cook in a special mold plus put some optional topping, ...the tempting traditional aroma of cake will blow in every corner of your house.
I used the same mold for making Kue Rangi. Because my mold size is quite big, I just fill the dough about 2/3 of the mold to produce a medium 'finger food' size of kue pukis.
Now, why don't you try to make it during the weekend?
Have a nice weekend for all of you.
Let's dance in the rain :)
Kue Pukis
source : Primarasa, Serba Manis dari Terigu
Bahan / Ingredients:
175 ml santan dari 1/2 butir kelapa / 175 gr coconut milk from 1/2 coconut
1/2 sdm ragi instant / 1/2 tbsp instant dry yeast
150 gr tepung terigu / 150 gr all-purpose flour
3 butir telur / 3 eggs
125 gr gula pasir halus / 125 gr caster sugar
minyak goreng/margarin untuk olesan / cooking oil or margarine to oiled the mold
1. Masak santan hingga mendidih, angkat, dinginkan, sisihkan. Campur hingga rata ragi instan dengan tepung terigu.
2. Kocok telur dan gula menggunakan mikser hingga mengembang, turunkan kecepatan mikser hingga yang terendah.
Masukkan campuran terigu dan ragi instant sedikit demi sedikit sambil adonan dikocok terus hingga rata.
3. Masukkan santan, aduk rata. Sisihkan selama 30 menit hingga adonan mengembang.
4. Panaskan cetakan kue pukis di atas api, olesi dengan minyak/margarin. Masukkan adonan ke dalam cetakan, tutup cetakan. masak hingga kue matang.
5. Congkel kue dari cetakan, angkat. Selesaikan hingga semua bahan habis.

Method :
1. Cook the coconut milk until boiling, remove from heat, let cool and set aside. Mix yeast with flour until blended.
2. Beat eggs and sugar using a mixer until fluffy, lower the mixer to the lowest speed.
Add the flour and instant yeast mixture gradually while the batter keep beaten until blended.
3. Add the coconut milk and stir well. Set aside for 30 minutes until the dough expands.
4. Heat the pukis mold on fire, basting with oil / margarine. Pour the dough into the mold, close the mold. cook until cake is cooked.
5. Take the cake from the mold, lift. Repeat until the batter/dough is finish.
Now, here in Jakarta almost everyday we shall 'enjoy' the rain that pouring the ground mostly in afternoon until night time. Nice warm morning sunshine is still granted by God for this city.
Computer, papers, Christmas songs, cookies, ...have become our friends through these busy and hectic days. It always happens in November. I managed to bake gingerbread cookies for my family, two times already and gone only after 2-3 days. There are lots of things to do for now till Christmas. I'm wishing for calm December, and also travelling to some new interesting places.
Back to the food...
I think most of Indonesians must be familiar with this snack. It is called Kue Pukis; Indonesian coconut milk cake. A humble simple street snack that easy to found in traditional markets.
For me... this cake is my savior when my children came to me and suddenly said,"Mom, tomorrow I have to bring Indonesian food for an event", it happens many times last October. Or after dinner I just realize that I have nothing to serve for my family breakfast. It's very easy to prepare, zero failure factor except you spill the dough, and all the ingredients always available in most of the kitchens.
With simple one, two, three steps; mix the ingredients one by one, leave them about 1/2 hour for fermentation, and cook in a special mold plus put some optional topping, ...the tempting traditional aroma of cake will blow in every corner of your house.
I used the same mold for making Kue Rangi. Because my mold size is quite big, I just fill the dough about 2/3 of the mold to produce a medium 'finger food' size of kue pukis.
Now, why don't you try to make it during the weekend?
Have a nice weekend for all of you.
Let's dance in the rain :)
Kue Pukis
source : Primarasa, Serba Manis dari Terigu
Bahan / Ingredients:
175 ml santan dari 1/2 butir kelapa / 175 gr coconut milk from 1/2 coconut
1/2 sdm ragi instant / 1/2 tbsp instant dry yeast
150 gr tepung terigu / 150 gr all-purpose flour
3 butir telur / 3 eggs
125 gr gula pasir halus / 125 gr caster sugar
minyak goreng/margarin untuk olesan / cooking oil or margarine to oiled the mold
1. Masak santan hingga mendidih, angkat, dinginkan, sisihkan. Campur hingga rata ragi instan dengan tepung terigu.
2. Kocok telur dan gula menggunakan mikser hingga mengembang, turunkan kecepatan mikser hingga yang terendah.
Masukkan campuran terigu dan ragi instant sedikit demi sedikit sambil adonan dikocok terus hingga rata.
3. Masukkan santan, aduk rata. Sisihkan selama 30 menit hingga adonan mengembang.
4. Panaskan cetakan kue pukis di atas api, olesi dengan minyak/margarin. Masukkan adonan ke dalam cetakan, tutup cetakan. masak hingga kue matang.
5. Congkel kue dari cetakan, angkat. Selesaikan hingga semua bahan habis.
Method :
1. Cook the coconut milk until boiling, remove from heat, let cool and set aside. Mix yeast with flour until blended.
2. Beat eggs and sugar using a mixer until fluffy, lower the mixer to the lowest speed.
Add the flour and instant yeast mixture gradually while the batter keep beaten until blended.
3. Add the coconut milk and stir well. Set aside for 30 minutes until the dough expands.
4. Heat the pukis mold on fire, basting with oil / margarine. Pour the dough into the mold, close the mold. cook until cake is cooked.
5. Take the cake from the mold, lift. Repeat until the batter/dough is finish.
suka cetakannya mbak, anti lengket ya?
nyoba juga ah , pake resepnya mbak vania
so far udah coba pake 2 resep ihhii
Hesti, iya Hes...empuk. Udah dingin dari kulkas pun teteeep empuk. Iya Hes, ini anti lengket.
Kiky, aduuuh kesian tukang pukis kalo semua bikin sendiri yak ...hahaha...
tapi beneran deh bikin keranjingan bikin ginian, gampang dan pasti laku tak bersisa :D Senangnyaaa...
itu cetakan 1.5kg udah ama tutup kaca-nya. Beneran lho, aku timbang Ross :D
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