Ginger Pudding & Fried Enoki Mushroom
the clock running faster, the days change & I'm too slow to count it. Time flies so fast...
the clock running faster, the days change & I'm too slow to count it. Time flies so fast...
And now, in the middle of February, I just realized there are lots of things happened around me.
Last week, we celebrated my son's 10th birthday. He was so excited, many times he said,'Ooh I'm so glad, my age is two digits now'...ha..ha.ha.. On his birthday, he shared homemade brownies to his classmates. He's quite happy, even actually he wanted me to prepare pudding and chocolate balls to bring to school.
And the good times keep rolling...
One time I found myself having a trip with my family, visiting Katulampa Dam in Bogor and Deutscher Soldatenfriedhof 'Germany Soldier Cemetery' Arca Domas in Gadog, West Java.
The other time, last Wednesday, we entered the season of lent, marked by the Ash Wednesday....
Please, don't serve coffee for me until Easter Day at the end of March :)
Valentine's day, 2 days ago... supposed to be a romantic day. But, oooh... I found out that this family was so busy. My daughter had a 2 days trip doing community work at Subang, West Java. My son was busy preparing a futsal competition at school, my husband got home late, having physical training after office hour... and I had a nice meeting with my client for food-photography session next week.
Btw, I love to see my family is being so active :)
Luckily, *ah yes, it sounds I always being a lucky one* husband sent me a bunch of beautiful roses. He never fails to put smile on my face :)
Unfortunately, this time I didn't cook something special for valentine's day. Probably special dinner for four on the weekend will be nice, lets see.
Last week actually was the Chinese New Year. For the last 2 years, I visited Jakarta Chinatown. This year, my plan to visit Bogor Chinatown area couldn't happen, because of traffic reason. Fine, I'll try to watch the Cap Go Meh Parade that usually happens 15 days after the Chinese New Year. Hopefully this time, I can make it.
I decided to prepare a dessert and snack with the Chinese theme. I grab and chose simple recipes and ...I made it! I do like to play again with gelatin, and prepare the fresh ginger pudding.
If last time I prepared mango pudding with the combination ingredients of gelatin and fruit (mango), this time I learn something new while preparing pudding by combining gelatin, milk and sugar.
Two important points I learned from 'the theory' here :
1. Gelatin takes time twice longer to dissolve when used with cream or milk.
2. Too much sugar can inhibit gelatinization. The more sugar in the recipe, the softer the gelatin will be.
Both points above explaining me why it takes time for the pudding to be set, to become solid pudding.
Serving it with ginger syrup, candied ginger and I decided to put additional crumbs (baked 'biscuits + butter' mixture) on top to give different combination texture to the pudding. Delicious!
Accompanying this pudding, I prepared Fried Enoki Mushooms.
Covered by flour making this snack becomes so crunchy, and it's good to serve with mayonnaise.
Ahaaah,'s frying snack! I know...but it's no harm to have it once in a while, right?
Actually, the recipe says to fry the mushroom two times. After the first frying, we need to take it out from the oil, let them cold slightly, and fry again one more time. I decided to fry it one time only, and serve it while it was warm.
The result, it taste like fried sea food, hmm slightly like enjoying calamari.
Taraaa... so if you're looking for substitution of fried seafood, I recommend you to try this snack, it's a good choice.
Puding Jahe
Source : Primarasa Masakan Cina II.
Bahan / Ingredients
10 gr gelatin bubuk / 10 gr gelatin powder
100 ml air mendidih / 100 ml boiling water
100 gr gula bubuk / 100 gr powder sugar
4 sdm susu bubuk full cream / 4 tbsp full cream milk powder
450 ml susu cair hangat / 450 ml warm milk
1/8 sdt vanili bubuk / 1/8 tsp vanilla powder
1/4 sdt pala bubuk / 1/4 tsp ground nutmeg
Sirup Jahe / Ginger Syrup
200 gr jahe muda / 200 gr young ginger
200 ml air / 200 ml water
200 gr gula pasir / 200 gr caster sugar
1. Larutkan gelatin bubuk dalam air mendidih, aduk rata. Taruh gula dan susu bubuk dalam mangkuk. Tuang susu hangat tambahkan vanili, aduk sampai rata dan gula larut.
2. Masukkan larutan gelatin ke dalam adonan susu, aduk cepat. Tuang segera ke dalam 4 gelas/mangkuk saji. Sisihkan sampai agak dingin (15 menit) kemudian masukkan ke dalam lemari es.
3. Sirup Jahe : Kupas jahe, iris tipis. Masak dalam air bersama gula pasir. Masak sampai mendidih, kecilkan apinya dan masak terus sampai sirup mengental, angkat.
4. Keluarkan puding dari lemari es, taburkan pala bubuk di permukaannya dan susun beberapa iris manisan jahe di atasnya. Tuangi sirup jahe secukupnya.
1. Dissolve gelatin powder in boiling water and stir well. Put the sugar and milk powder in a bowl. Pour warm milk and add vanilla, stir until smooth and sugar dissolved.
2. Add gelatin solution into the milk mixture, stirring quickly. Pour immediately into 4 glasses / serving bowls. Set aside to cool slightly (15 minutes) and then put in a fridge.
3. Ginger syrup: Peel the ginger, slice thinly. Cook it in water with sugar. Cook until boiling, reduce the heat and continue cooking until the syrup thickens, remove from heat.
4. Remove the pudding from the fridge, sprinkle nutmeg on the surface and stack few slices of candied ginger on it. Pour the ginger syrup to taste.
Jamur Enoki Goreng / Fried Enoki Mushroom
Source : adapt from Primarasa Hidangan Cina Praktis.
Bahan / Ingredients
400 gr jamur enoki / 400 gr enoki mushroom
minyak untuk menggoreng / cooking oil for frying
2 sdt cabai bubuk, untuk taburan / 2 tsp chili powder (I skipped it)
Pencelup / Dye Stuff
Aduk jadi satu / mix well :
100 ml air / 100 ml water
1 siung bawang putih, parut / 1 clove garlic, grated
1 sdt ketumbar bubuk / 1 tsp ground coriander
Campuran Tepung / Flour Mixture:
150 gr tepung terigu / 150 gr all purpose flour
50 gr tepung kanji / 50 gr tapioca flour
1 sdt bawang putih bubuk / 1 tsp garlic powder
1 sdt soda kue / 1 tsp baking soda
1/2 sdt garam / 1/2 tsp salt
1/2 sdt merica bubuk / 1/2 tsp ground white pepper
1. Potong bagian akar dari jamur enoki, pisahkan perbatang dan taruh dalam wadah datar yang lebar.
2. Campuran Tepung : Masukkan seluruh bahan tepung dalam kantung plastik besar, lalu kocok hingga rata. Celupkan jamur ke dalam bahan pencelup.
3. Masukkan sebagian jamur enoki ke dalam kantung plastik berisi campuran tepung, kocok perlahan hingga seluruh jamur terlumuri tepung. Masukkan kembali jamur ke dalam bahan pencelup, lalu lumuri lagi dengan campuran tepung.
4. Panaskan minyak yang banyak dalam wajan/panci deep fry. Masukkan jamur enoki yang telah dilumuri tepung secara bertahap ke dalam minyak panas. Goreng hingga kering dan renyah, angkat, tiriskan.
5. Taburi jamur goreng dengan cabai bubuk, sajikan dengan mayones sebagai pelengkap.
1. Cut off the roots of the enoki mushrooms, separate per stem and put them on a large flat container.2. Mixed Flour: put all the flour ingredients into a large plastic bag, and shake until blended. Dip mushrooms into the dyes.
3.Put some enoki mushrooms into the plastic bag containing the flour mixture, shake gently until all mushrooms are smeared with flour. Dip again into the dyes, then coat again with flour mixture.
4. Heat oil in a wok / deep fry pan. Put the enoki mushrooms that have been covered with flour gradually into the hot oil. Fry until dry and crisp, remove and drain.
5. Sprinkle fried mushrooms with chili powder and serve with mayonnaise as a complement.
That's all for now,
Happy Chinese New Year
Happy Valentine's Day
and for all Christian;
May the spirit of lent bring you peace and love,
and you have a blessed season...
woooow... cepet banget dah nyampe sini aja. Thank you so much for your comment, that come from a super creative person.
Sini... kita ngemil bareng deh.