
Catering service is one of the popular business and growing fast in this city.
They can simply provide food for daily lunch/dinner, office lunch, or to some special  high profile events which worth millions. Popular events like weddings never have any low seasons and the catering is one of the main companies that play a very important role which will dictate successful or disaster.

When we talk about wedding party here in Jakarta and many big cities in Indonesia, if you never have experience about it, let me help you to imagine; about 500 to 3000 people with different appetites need to eat and this number of invitees will require large size of reception building.

SonoKembangDuaA sonoKembangSatuA

Last week, I had an opportunity to shoot pictures of dishes made by Sonokembang Catering for their new catalog, and met the owners of this one of the largest catering companies in the country. I realized that I'm very interested to know about the 'food company' business; how they started, run and grow the business. Most of the time, I was amazed about everything new that I heard, I saw and I smell.

SonoKembangTigaA sonokembangGA

The first time I arrived at their 'factory', parked my car...and wooow I have never imagined before that it'd be a huge building with many kitchens in it. I'm telling you, the most exciting parts are while we were working together (me, the owners & the cooks), styling the dishes before taking the pictures, and enjoying the food after and during the photo session... :) I'm serious... the food is so good.

In one full day, I was surrounded by those delicious edible food. What a very fun & joyful job I have!
I'm so happy to have another exciting experience, working with many talented people; who are very experienced about food; cooking, styling the food and run the business.

For ending this beautiful February, I would share the recipe of one of the most wanted food that my children like to enjoy while they accompanied us to a wedding reception.

It's Poffertjes!


Poffertjes are a traditional Dutch batter treat. Resembling small, fluffy pancakes, they are made with yeast and buckwheat flour. Unlike American pancakes, they have a light, spongy texture. Typically, poffertjes are served with powdered sugar and butter, and sometimes syrup.(wikipedia)

I tried to make this 'pancake' for the first time about a year ago. Trial and error, just to get the perfect round shape. At the beginning I thought I failed... but when I compared to other poffertjes pictures in some websites, I became confident with mine.

Today I made them again for my children afternoon snack, and I have decided to post this recipe here.

Have a good night, and let's welcoming another beautiful month,... March.

not perfect shape 'Poffertjes'

source : Primarasa Hidangan Peranakan Belanda & Cina.

Bahan : 
Margarine untuk olesan
250 gr tepung terigu protein sedang
1/2 sdt ragi
75 gr gula pasir
3 butir telur, kocok
400 ml susu cair dingin
50 gr mentega, lelehkan
1/4 sdt garam
50 gr keju cheddar, potong dadu 1/2 cm
Gula bubuk untuk taburan

1. Campurkan tepung terigu, ragi instan, dan gula pasir. Campurkan telur kocok dan susu. Tuang sedikit demi sedikit ke dalam campuran tepung, aduk dengan pengocok kawat hingga licin. Tambahkan mentega leleh dan garam, aduk rata, diamkan hingga mengembang (+/- 15 menit).

2. Panaskan cetakan poffertjes di atas api sedang. Olesi dengan margarin, tuangi adonan hingga setengah penuh. Diamkan sebentar. Taburi permukaan adonan dengan keju, tambahkan adonan di atasnya hingga penuh. Masak hingga setengah matang.

3. Balikkan adonan yang sudah setengah matang dengan bantuan tusuk satai atau lidi. Masak terus hingga kedua sisinya berwarna kuning kecoklatan, angkat. Taruh poffertjes di atas piring saji, taburi gula bubuk, sajikan.


The English version will be uploaded tomorrow night. Good night, Universe...


Nisa-mom said…
oh my, you remind me about my Javanese wed. experience!! My hubby kind of complained after ceremony, he said, I was hungry, people came and shake my hand all the time, and their still enjoy the foods but me LOL
Hesti HH. said…
woooooooowww...semua makanannya look very appetizing. Thanks to jepretannya mbak Vania. Kereeeen...*comot poffertjesnya
Ira Rodrigues said…
I love all the shots
your execution shot to all their food are looks perfect! their catalogue to be will be Rockin' and real appetizing, well done van!
Keren abis!
Unknown said…
Selamat untuk yummy job-nya.
Kopi Luwak said…
I'm very foodie and I love reading blogs about food recipes. This way I learn to make new delicious foods. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
thank you admin nice posts
Unknown said…
oh poffertjes.. love your shots! definitely look appetizing!!

pls check out my blog www.thetwotales.com. we're newbie!
Anonymous said…
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This way I understand to create new delightful meals. Thanks for discussing.