Sate Ambal with 'Tempe Sauce'
A few years ago, cooking-grilling sate seemed an impossible mission for me. I didn't even have a courage to imagine about it or pick up the recipe to learn.
Grilling? I had no idea how to start.
About 2 years after I got married, my mom gave me a simple grilling pan that ended up under my kitchen table for a couple of years. The funny thing is... the grilling pan followed us wherever we moved; from cities to towns back to cities, from one country to another, and it was unopened, virgin!
I couldn't remember when exactly I started being so 'brave' and got familiar with simple grilling, but I think it happened when we lived in Mumbai...It's about 10 years after I got married! Surprisingly, I started with grilling 'sate padang', not a simple 'sate ayam'. I am, a confident home-cook, who regularly grills delicious sate for my family (only).
Yup, we have a family 'bbq day' almost once a week. Normally, on Friday late evening we sit around the 'simple grilling pan' (that was given by my mom) at our back terrace, enjoying the smokey air, watching the discoloration of the meat, listening sizzling symphony, and ...smelling the fragrant aroma from the grill.
After a week cooking in the kitchen, I know how refreshing it is to take my cooking endeavors outside.
*last 2 weeks I grilled sate in the middle of the week, to give 'a sense of Friday' to my family. Hahaha...
It's last week...
I was looking for another type of chicken sate for dinner, not the one that I usually make and had become the all time favorite in our home, the one that using a simple 'secret' ingredients; sweet soy sauce and spoonful crunchy peanut butter (pssstt..and also... I treat the chicken and other ingredients in its best way!), the one that always send me to the higher part of the sky when my husband and kids say,'oh this is the best chicken sate in the world' and every time we have 'not homemade' chicken sate, they keep saying,'I prefer mom's chicken sate'. uhlala!
Oh,... let's have a bit of open minded, and get out from the comfort zone!
I grab my best sate recipe book so far, 'Primarasa Satai Nusantara'. I posted 2 recipes from that book before; Sate Maranggi and Sate Bali. Both beef sate were successful and convinced me to trust this book. Highly recommended.
I was looking for 'chicken' sate recipe, and the first recipe on the book won my heart...
Sate Ambal. I had never heard it before. An unique name, have a long list of spice ingredients, and it is served with no peanut sauce, no soy sauce, but... tempe sauce! Let me repeat to avoid a typo: tempe sauce. Big WOW for me, very interesting!
Searching about this dish, I got the information that the name of 'Sate Ambal' came from a place called 'Ambal' that is located in Kebumen Regency, Central Java Province, and the dish is very popular in this place.
Hhm... why this delicious dish is not really popular in this country? *curious.
... ready, set,... grill!
I started by preparing tempe sauce, and I decided to make 2x recipe in one go. We can predict the flavor from the ingredient list and I thought it would be interesting to have left over sauce to be enjoyed with other food, such as fritters, or probably omelette, latter on. Yup, all the ingredients mixed and turned to be delicious aromatic tempe sauce. Yellowish color, come from the turmeric, slightly sweet from the palm sugar. Clever recipe!
The sate, not difficult to be prepared.
Make sure you have all complete fresh ingredients, it'll turn to a perfect dish. I cut the chicken meat slightly bigger (about 1x1x1.5 cm) and marinated for about 3-4 hours, because I prepared this meal on the afternoon during my other activities and had time to grill for dinner in the evening.
Happy ending... rich of flavor, perfect dish for dinner.
That's it... do try this dish.
Let your family appetite is fired by delicious traditional chicken sate.

Sate Ambal
Bahan / Ingredients
500 gr daging ayam / 500 gr chicken meat
4 sdm minyak goreng / 4 tbsp cooking oil
20 buah tusuk sate, rendam dalam air, tiriskan / 20 sate skewer, soaked in the water, drained
Bumbu Halus / Spices (ground)
6 sdm bawang merah goreng / 6 tbsp fried shallot
2 sdm bawang putih goreng / 2 tbsp fried garlic
2 sdt ketumbar sangrai / 2 tsp coriander, roasted
1/2 sdt merica bubuk / 1/2 tsp ground white pepper
1/4 sdt pala bubuk / 1/4 tsp ground nutmeg
1/2 sdt jintan sangrai / 1/2 tsp cumin, roasted
4 butir kemiri sangrai / 4 candlenuts, roasted
2 cm jahe / 2 cm ginger
1/2 sdt garam / 1/2 tsp salt
3 sdm gula merah / 3 tbsp palm sugar
Iris daging ayam ukuran 1/2x1x1 cm. Campur minyak goreng bersama bumbu halus dan ayam iris, aduk hingga rata. Sisihkan selama 60 menit atau lebih agar bumbu meresap.
Tusuk 4 iris daging ayam dalam setiap tusuk sate, lakukan hingga semua daging ayam menjadi sate.
Panggang sate di atas bara api sambil diolesi bumbu, balik-balikkan agar matangnya rata, angkat.
Sajikan sate bersama saus tempe.
Cut the chicken into 1/2x1x1 cm size. Mix well the cooking oil with the ground spices and chicken. Leave for 60 minutes or more to allow the chicken meat absorbing the flavors.
Skew 4 pieces of chicken meat in each bamboo skewer until all chicken dices are consumed.
Place skewers on the heat grill. Bake with a back and forth and rubbing seasoning until cooked, remove from heat.
Served with the Tempe Sauce.

Saus Tempe / Tempe Sauce
Bahan / Ingredients :
100 gr tempe / 100 gr tempe (soy bean cake)
2 siung bawang putih / 2 cloves garlic
4 butir bawang merah / 4 shallots
3 buah cabai merah / 3 red chilli
1 cm kunyit / 1 cm turmeric
3 sdm minyak goreng, untuk menumis / 3 tbsp cooking oil, for stir fry
250 ml santan encer / 250 ml thin coconut milk
2 sdm gula merah, sisir / 2 tbsp palm sugar, grated
1/2 sdt garam / 1/2 tsp salt
Kukus tempe selama +/- 20 menit, tumbuk setengah halus selagi panas dalam cobek, sisihkan. Haluskan bawang putih, bawang merah, cabai, dan kunyit, lalu tumis dengan minyak goreng hingga harum.
Masukkan tempe tumbuk, santan, gula dan garam, aduk. Kecilkan apinya, masak terus sampai bumbu mengental dan berminyak, angkat, sisihkan.
Steam the tempe for +/- 20 minutes, half-smooth mashed in a mortar while still hot and set aside. Ground the garlic, onion, chilli, and turmeric, and stir fry with cooking oil until fragrant.
Add the half-smooth mashed tempe, coconut milk, palm sugar and salt, mix well. Lower the heat, cook until the sauce is thick and slightly oily, set aside.
Grilling? I had no idea how to start.
About 2 years after I got married, my mom gave me a simple grilling pan that ended up under my kitchen table for a couple of years. The funny thing is... the grilling pan followed us wherever we moved; from cities to towns back to cities, from one country to another, and it was unopened, virgin!
I couldn't remember when exactly I started being so 'brave' and got familiar with simple grilling, but I think it happened when we lived in Mumbai...It's about 10 years after I got married! Surprisingly, I started with grilling 'sate padang', not a simple 'sate ayam'. I am, a confident home-cook, who regularly grills delicious sate for my family (only).
Yup, we have a family 'bbq day' almost once a week. Normally, on Friday late evening we sit around the 'simple grilling pan' (that was given by my mom) at our back terrace, enjoying the smokey air, watching the discoloration of the meat, listening sizzling symphony, and ...smelling the fragrant aroma from the grill.
After a week cooking in the kitchen, I know how refreshing it is to take my cooking endeavors outside.
*last 2 weeks I grilled sate in the middle of the week, to give 'a sense of Friday' to my family. Hahaha...
It's last week...
I was looking for another type of chicken sate for dinner, not the one that I usually make and had become the all time favorite in our home, the one that using a simple 'secret' ingredients; sweet soy sauce and spoonful crunchy peanut butter (pssstt..and also... I treat the chicken and other ingredients in its best way!), the one that always send me to the higher part of the sky when my husband and kids say,'oh this is the best chicken sate in the world' and every time we have 'not homemade' chicken sate, they keep saying,'I prefer mom's chicken sate'. uhlala!
Oh,... let's have a bit of open minded, and get out from the comfort zone!
I grab my best sate recipe book so far, 'Primarasa Satai Nusantara'. I posted 2 recipes from that book before; Sate Maranggi and Sate Bali. Both beef sate were successful and convinced me to trust this book. Highly recommended.
I was looking for 'chicken' sate recipe, and the first recipe on the book won my heart...
Sate Ambal. I had never heard it before. An unique name, have a long list of spice ingredients, and it is served with no peanut sauce, no soy sauce, but... tempe sauce! Let me repeat to avoid a typo: tempe sauce. Big WOW for me, very interesting!
Searching about this dish, I got the information that the name of 'Sate Ambal' came from a place called 'Ambal' that is located in Kebumen Regency, Central Java Province, and the dish is very popular in this place.
Hhm... why this delicious dish is not really popular in this country? *curious.
... ready, set,... grill!
I started by preparing tempe sauce, and I decided to make 2x recipe in one go. We can predict the flavor from the ingredient list and I thought it would be interesting to have left over sauce to be enjoyed with other food, such as fritters, or probably omelette, latter on. Yup, all the ingredients mixed and turned to be delicious aromatic tempe sauce. Yellowish color, come from the turmeric, slightly sweet from the palm sugar. Clever recipe!
The sate, not difficult to be prepared.
Make sure you have all complete fresh ingredients, it'll turn to a perfect dish. I cut the chicken meat slightly bigger (about 1x1x1.5 cm) and marinated for about 3-4 hours, because I prepared this meal on the afternoon during my other activities and had time to grill for dinner in the evening.
Happy ending... rich of flavor, perfect dish for dinner.
That's it... do try this dish.
Let your family appetite is fired by delicious traditional chicken sate.
Sate Ambal
Bahan / Ingredients
500 gr daging ayam / 500 gr chicken meat
4 sdm minyak goreng / 4 tbsp cooking oil
20 buah tusuk sate, rendam dalam air, tiriskan / 20 sate skewer, soaked in the water, drained
Bumbu Halus / Spices (ground)
6 sdm bawang merah goreng / 6 tbsp fried shallot
2 sdm bawang putih goreng / 2 tbsp fried garlic
2 sdt ketumbar sangrai / 2 tsp coriander, roasted
1/2 sdt merica bubuk / 1/2 tsp ground white pepper
1/4 sdt pala bubuk / 1/4 tsp ground nutmeg
1/2 sdt jintan sangrai / 1/2 tsp cumin, roasted
4 butir kemiri sangrai / 4 candlenuts, roasted
2 cm jahe / 2 cm ginger
1/2 sdt garam / 1/2 tsp salt
3 sdm gula merah / 3 tbsp palm sugar
Iris daging ayam ukuran 1/2x1x1 cm. Campur minyak goreng bersama bumbu halus dan ayam iris, aduk hingga rata. Sisihkan selama 60 menit atau lebih agar bumbu meresap.
Tusuk 4 iris daging ayam dalam setiap tusuk sate, lakukan hingga semua daging ayam menjadi sate.
Panggang sate di atas bara api sambil diolesi bumbu, balik-balikkan agar matangnya rata, angkat.
Sajikan sate bersama saus tempe.
Cut the chicken into 1/2x1x1 cm size. Mix well the cooking oil with the ground spices and chicken. Leave for 60 minutes or more to allow the chicken meat absorbing the flavors.
Skew 4 pieces of chicken meat in each bamboo skewer until all chicken dices are consumed.
Place skewers on the heat grill. Bake with a back and forth and rubbing seasoning until cooked, remove from heat.
Served with the Tempe Sauce.
Saus Tempe / Tempe Sauce
Bahan / Ingredients :
100 gr tempe / 100 gr tempe (soy bean cake)
2 siung bawang putih / 2 cloves garlic
4 butir bawang merah / 4 shallots
3 buah cabai merah / 3 red chilli
1 cm kunyit / 1 cm turmeric
3 sdm minyak goreng, untuk menumis / 3 tbsp cooking oil, for stir fry
250 ml santan encer / 250 ml thin coconut milk
2 sdm gula merah, sisir / 2 tbsp palm sugar, grated
1/2 sdt garam / 1/2 tsp salt
Kukus tempe selama +/- 20 menit, tumbuk setengah halus selagi panas dalam cobek, sisihkan. Haluskan bawang putih, bawang merah, cabai, dan kunyit, lalu tumis dengan minyak goreng hingga harum.
Masukkan tempe tumbuk, santan, gula dan garam, aduk. Kecilkan apinya, masak terus sampai bumbu mengental dan berminyak, angkat, sisihkan.
Steam the tempe for +/- 20 minutes, half-smooth mashed in a mortar while still hot and set aside. Ground the garlic, onion, chilli, and turmeric, and stir fry with cooking oil until fragrant.
Add the half-smooth mashed tempe, coconut milk, palm sugar and salt, mix well. Lower the heat, cook until the sauce is thick and slightly oily, set aside.
to enjoy. I am a lover of different type of cuisine and searching from internet and other sources. Thanks for share and keep it up.