Beautiful Experience at the Sukamantri Camping Ground.
It was a beautiful sunny day, on the early month of July, when the children just started the school holiday, we decided to go camping. Joining with us, some close family members; cousins, nephews, nieces, auntie and uncle.
Sukamantri Camping Ground, in Ciapus Bogor was chosen to be our short escape place. Located about 800 m ASL, we really enjoyed the fresh air and not too cold temperature.
The place is not hard to reach, it's not too far from Jakarta, just about 60 km away, or 10 km from Bogor. Easy!
My 12 years old son was acting as a navigator while his dad sat behind the stirring wheel. Meanwhile my daughter and I spent our time to play with our cameras on the way to the camping ground.
The good news is... this location is not popular yet. So, not too many campers or visitors here.
Don't worry, the area is part of training ground of Army's elite Kujang Raider unit.
How to get there;
Thanks to my husband who has helped me explaining this for you.
- First of all, if we have never been there or if we are not familiar with city of Bogor, please use the Google Map; search ‘Sukamantri Camping Ground’. It’ll show us a few alternative routes; it’ll give us the idea about where it is. Please remember, Bogor is a traffic-jammed city especially during weekends.
- If we drive, from wherever we come from, we need to reach the road of Jalan Raya Ciapus. This is what I recommend because it’s clearer; less junctions. If we see the Angkot no 3 Ramayana-Ciapus, then we are on the right track.
- We will notice at least two green-square road signs saying the Bumi Perkemahan Sukamantri (Sukamantri Camping Ground). One of the signs tells us to turn left to reach the camping ground.
- From the junction, the road becomes narrow but in good condition; straight. An intersection will be in front of us not far, just go straight. The good road will ends after 2km.
- A gravel road will follow; ascending; winding for about 2 km. Some spots are too narrow for two cars, but majority two vehicles can pass each other. Don’t worry, the road is very empty.
- After passing a security portal; a big housing complex on the left (people say it’s owned by the family of Cendana), the road gets worse; from gravel becoming rocky road without asphalt. This is the misled information written in many blogs regarding the bad road condition, preventing many people to visit Sukamantri. In my opinion; yes the road is bad; not comfortable but as long as our car is not a regular sedan, then we can go through with no problem. Of course, keep the low speed to preserve the mood of the passengers aboard.
- After 1 km, we will reach the Kujang Raider gate before entering the rain forest. Here, the road gets more ascending; winding under the canopy of jungle.
- After another 1 km, we will reach the entrance post of the Sukamantri camping ground.
"Camping without Trekking is like Sayur Asem without Salty Fish (Ikan Asin)".ahaaa... I'm the one who make that quote.
Yup, it is! For me, camping is not complete without trekking.
Lucky, there is a good and challenging track near by the camping ground.
Actually, it's just a short distance track to Curug Parakan waterfall. Because of the track condition with many misled junctions, I suggest you to use a guide. We passed some narrow path in between dense forest, the edge of deep cliff, slippery rock, and in some parts we need to climb several big volcanic rocks.
The experience of trekking, especially when you bring along your 'city children', it'll become a good memorable experience. Let them see and touch the real forest, river, waterfall, even the cliff. Let them learn to recognize the smell of nature; the soil, the leaves and let them be brave to go through the difficult path.
So prepare your sneakers!
The guide, available from one of the warung in the camping ground.
(the fee is Rp 50.000)
... and when the night came.
Not many pictures I could share about night activities, because I like to spend my night with some books or magazines that I bring from home. I couldn't skip 'my night reading time' even in the camping ground.
Others were having dinner, playing cards, and enjoying bonfire.
glorious morning
It's always a pleasant moment gather in the morning, having cup of hot beverages and simple breakfast with the light chit-chat. Fresh air, beautiful warm sunshine, nice smell from the pine trees, ...something that we couldn't get in the city.
Now, it's time to turn off your gadget, ...
the Camping Ground is waiting for you.Nature is cheaper than therapy.
Tickets (very affordable):
Entrance: Rp 5,000.00/pax.
Camping: Rp 5,000.00/pax/night.
Maintenance retribution: Rp 5,000.00/pax.
Parking: Rp 10,000/car.
Looking for other camping ground?
Please check :
I'll try to post some camping menus in next blog post.--------------------
Looking for other camping ground?
Please check :
5 Family Friendly Camping Ground in West Java.
---------------------I'm looking for spare time to regularly update my blog. Wish me luck.
@Hesti kemarin weekend ada yg nyewa buat jualan ice cream :)) lucu.
@IndLest ...rata2 camping ground ada MCK nya kog. Yg di Sukamantri relatif bersih dan air tersedia cukup melimpah. Kadang butuh bawa senter kalo2 lampunya kurang terang :)
Karena udah rutin camping kita punya peralatan camping lengkap, termasuk tenda, kursi, kompor dll. Nah kalo belum punya, bisa sewa kog. Beberapa camping ground menyediakan penyewaan.
Khusus daerah Bogor, saya rekomendasikan
kebetulan minggu lalu temen nyewa di situ buat camping di Sukamantri. Tenda & peralatannya relatif bersih, servisnya juga ok. Mereka melayani pengantaran peralatan yang disewa, bisa ngebangunin tendanya juga.