Baked Macaroni

Jangan salahin gue kalo org2 jadi ketagihan makanan satu ini...
Campurannya bisa apa aja, bisa pepperoni, daging cincang, sayur...bebas
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225 gr elbow macaroni
50 gr margarine
2 cloves garlic, minced
100 gr onion, finely chopped
50 gr flour
500 ml milk
Pinch of salt
1 tsp pepper
1/2 tsp nutmeg powder
300 gr sausages, mushrooms (chopped), corned beef (totally 300 gr)
5 eggs, lightly beaten
125 gr grated cheddar cheese

1. In a large pot of boiling water, cook the macaroni according of package directions until firm-tender. Drain & transfer to a large bowl. Preheat the oven to 180C

2. Meanwhile, in a large nonstick skillet, heat the margarine over moderate heat. Add the garlic & onion, saute until tender. Add flour & stir until well combined. Gradually add the milk, stirring until combined. Stir in the salt, pepper & nutmeg, stirring until the sauce is lightly thickened, & add sausage, mushroom, corned beef & eggs. Stir until combined. Finally, add the macaroni & mix together.

3. Transfer to a 13x9 inch baking dish, sprinkle with cheddar cheese. And bake for 50 minutes-1 hour or until the color become brown-yellow.


Xtina said…
emang bener mbak and i dont blame you deh kalo yang ini bisa bikin ketagihan!
Leendy said…
mbak terimaasih banyak atas resep2nya...
sangat membantu saya yang baru aja jadi ibu rumah tangga n langsung harus mandiri di jepang... :p
semua resep dari mbak sukses... canggih...
terimakasih banyak..
ditunggu resep2 berikutnya ya mbak...

Unknown said…
Mbakk.. emang enak ya baked mac ini. Cemplang cemplung beres..
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yuyun said…
ok sangat wonderfull