Ontbijtkoek a.k.a Breakfast Cake

Ontbijtkoek is one of the popular old-fashioned cakes in Indonesia. This is one of the collonial Dutch's legacy in our country, same as croquette, poffertjes, oliebollen and some Dutch snack (by now, you can tell by judging from the name, right ?).

My big family is actually familiar with this particular cake, eventhought my uncles & aunties call it 'kolomben', instead of ontbijtkoek. I have no idea where the name comes from. Occassionaly my mom and aunties make this cake until today, and we always enjoy it with tea or coffee.

At home, we call it 'bolu kampung' (meaning traditional village cake) or also "oldies cake" because of the smell of spices aroma of this cake always make us reminded back to the old time, long ago while we were little children & when our parents baked this cake.

Different type of cake have their own textures. We know that butter cake has different texture compare to sponge cake. This cake does not require any type of fat; no butter, margarine or oil on the list of ingredients... The result is a dry texture cake. That's why my mother usually spreads margarine on top of the cake, right after it comes out from the oven, and never miss tea or coffee to accompany this cake.

Normally, this cake is baked on loaf pan, but I prefer to bake it using the muffin pan. It really helps to cut the baking time only 1/2 time from the normal baking time while we used loaf pan.

Breakfast Cake

source: The Best of Indonesian Desserts by Yasa Boga. Times Edition.
1 levelled tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp ground nutmeg
1/4 tsp ground cloves
125 gr wheat flour
5 egg yolks
3 egg whites
125 gr brown sugar *I used palm sugar
butter, for brushing
flour, for sprinkling
50 gr sliced almonds *I used sesame seeds & flax seeds.

Breakfast Cake

Breakfast Cake

1. Sift together cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, and wheat flour. Set aside.
2. Beat egg yolks, egg whites and brown sugar until thick and frothing.
3. Add the sifted ingredients and stir well.
4. Pour into a loaf baking pan lined with grease-proof paper that has been brushed with butter and sprinkled with flour
5. Bake at 180 C for about 20 minutes until half done. Sprinkle with almond slices. Continue baking for another 20 minutes until done.


Nisa-mom said…
i adore your picture... alwaaaaaays... hehehhe
Wow Gold said…
Very Nice Blog.
Diah SA said…
This recipe didn't put butter on it, correct me if I'm wrong.. Please follow-up, thanks.
Tammy said…
Dear vania,
I am in love with bala bala and would ne so happy, of you could send me the recipe of it in english!
Would this be okay?
Thanks so much!