[Click] Bowls Stacks
Hello from Jakarta!
We've been in our hometown, Jakarta, Indonesia for about two weeks. Back to our home, spending time together with our family... So far, most of the time we're busy trying to find a new school for our children (ohh ...this is not an easy job for us!), clean the house, and also enjoying the food that we missed since some months ago; yes, Indonesian Food.
Unbelieveable, many-many morning we have delicious traditional chicken porridge for our breakfast. There is one street hawker selling this delicious porridge nearby our house.
I've tried already some new recipes in my kitchen. Most of them are Indonesian Food that the ingredients are really easy to be found in the local market or supermarket. I always tend to feel so excited everytime I go to market and find lots of ingredient that I couldn't find in India before :D
Other than cooking, I have to find a good spot in our house to do my food photography. I have moved from one room to other room, try to click the camera here and there... then finally I found one good spot in our living room to take the food pictures.
The below pictures are my experiments three days ago. I send the first one to Click 'Stacks' June. If you are interested to join this event, ... quick... send your best photo before June 30, 2009! Click HERE for more information.
We've been in our hometown, Jakarta, Indonesia for about two weeks. Back to our home, spending time together with our family... So far, most of the time we're busy trying to find a new school for our children (ohh ...this is not an easy job for us!), clean the house, and also enjoying the food that we missed since some months ago; yes, Indonesian Food.
Unbelieveable, many-many morning we have delicious traditional chicken porridge for our breakfast. There is one street hawker selling this delicious porridge nearby our house.
I've tried already some new recipes in my kitchen. Most of them are Indonesian Food that the ingredients are really easy to be found in the local market or supermarket. I always tend to feel so excited everytime I go to market and find lots of ingredient that I couldn't find in India before :D
Other than cooking, I have to find a good spot in our house to do my food photography. I have moved from one room to other room, try to click the camera here and there... then finally I found one good spot in our living room to take the food pictures.

I look forward to get your photos and judge it :)
It was fun so much to take those pictures. I kept moving, playing around with the ceramic bowls and my camera (I've never use tripod). Pushed the big table closer to the window, adjusted the window blinds to get enough natural light and playing with the camera.
Yup, finally the living room will be my regular "studio" to take the food pictures, not on my bed anymore like what I used to do in Mumbai :D.
Happy Clicking!
I am sure to participate!!
Drop in sometime!!
as usual great picture:)
good luck ya.aa