White Chocolate TRUFFLE CAKE
Cake ini sy bikin di hari terakhir mudik ke Jkt kemaren buat keluarga di rumah. Lucunya, setelah nyampe airport (keesokan harinya) sy baru sadar kalo sy cuma sempet makan 2 suap kecil ajah. Jadi setelah 'photo session' :)) sy langsung nyobain slice yg abis di foto (foto bawah)- cuma 2 suap trus sy cobain adek sy, nyokap, dan Patrick yg ngabisin. Udah itu krn sibuk packing dah lupa deh. Rencana besoknya mo nyoba lagi, tp lupa. Mmmm nyesel bangeet!
Bikinnya gampang bgt, satu saran sy sih...kalo bisa cream cheese-nya dibiarin di suhu ruangan dulu (pada saat lagi baking cake-nya keluarin aja cream cheese dari kulkas), jadi gampang nyampurnya. Kemaren itu krn byk yg kudu dikerjain dan sy dah buru2... kesabaran udah berkurang, sementara si cream cheese masih padat... jadi sy mixer campuran white truffle-nya~padahal harusnya cuma diaduk2 ajah. Hasilnya jadi agak creamy, kudunya agak lebih padat. Tapi tetep yummy....
Source: What's Cooking CHOCOLATE by Jacqueline Bellefontaine

Bikinnya gampang bgt, satu saran sy sih...kalo bisa cream cheese-nya dibiarin di suhu ruangan dulu (pada saat lagi baking cake-nya keluarin aja cream cheese dari kulkas), jadi gampang nyampurnya. Kemaren itu krn byk yg kudu dikerjain dan sy dah buru2... kesabaran udah berkurang, sementara si cream cheese masih padat... jadi sy mixer campuran white truffle-nya~padahal harusnya cuma diaduk2 ajah. Hasilnya jadi agak creamy, kudunya agak lebih padat. Tapi tetep yummy....
Source: What's Cooking CHOCOLATE by Jacqueline Bellefontaine
Sponge Cake
2 eggs
4 tbsp superfine sugar (caster sugar)
1/3 cup all-purpose flour
1 3/4 ounces white chocolate, melted
Truffle Topping
1 1/4 cups heavy cream
12 ounces white chocolate, broken into pieces
1 1/4 cups cream cheese
To Decorate:
Dark, milk or white chocolate, melted
unsweetened cocoa, to dust
2 eggs
4 tbsp superfine sugar (caster sugar)
1/3 cup all-purpose flour
1 3/4 ounces white chocolate, melted
Truffle Topping
1 1/4 cups heavy cream
12 ounces white chocolate, broken into pieces
1 1/4 cups cream cheese
To Decorate:
Dark, milk or white chocolate, melted
unsweetened cocoa, to dust
1. To make the sponge cake *Grease an 8 inch round springform pan (~loyang bongkar pasang) and flour the base.
*Beat the eggs and superfine sugar in a mixing bowl fo 10 minutes, or until the mixture is very light and foamy and the whisk leaves a trail that lasts a few seconds when lifted.
*Sift the flour and carefully fold in with a metal spoon
*Fold in the melted white chocolate.
*Pour the mixture into prepared pan and bake in a preheated pan and bake in a preheated oven at 350 F (180 C) for 25 minutes or until springy to the touch.
*Cool slightly, then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely. Return the cold cake to the pan.
2. To make the truffle topping, place the cream in a pan and bring to a boil, stirring to prevent it from sticking to the bottom of the pan. Allow to cool slightly, then add the white chocolate pieces, and stir until melted and combined.
Remove the pan from the heat and stir until almost cool, then stir in the cream cheese (room temperature yah). Pour the mixture on the top of the cake and chill for about 2 hours. Remove the cake from the pan and transfer to a serving plate.
3. To make large chocolate curls, pour melted chocolate onto a marble or acrylic board (sy sih diatas tray yg dialasi wax paper) and spread it thinly with a spatula. Allow to set at room temperature. Using a peeler (sy pake pisau ajah), push through the chocolate at a 25 degree angle until a large curl forms. Remove each curl as you make it and refrigerate until set. Decorate the cake with chocolate curls and springkle with a little unsweetened cocoa.
** please jgn minta terjemahin yaah, lg ogah ngetik neeh.
Thanks for sharing!