Espresso Delight SHORTBREAD

Jenis shortbread round ini cocok bgt gak hanya untuk penggemar cookie yg sekaligus penggemar kopi... tp ternyata anak2 sy jg doyaaan bgt. Bikinnya simple bgt, dengan bahan2 yg cukup sederhana. Hasilnya, mmm crunchy, delicious, and rich biscuit. Asli ... enak bgt!
Hari ini anak2 minum susu pagi-nya ditemenin biscuit ini (pake kopinya kan cuma dikit ya :)) dan papanya bawa 1 toples kecil u/ di ruang kerjanya.
Source: Christmas Cookies~102 sweets to share, from Better Home & Garden-Dec 2003.

Shortbread is a type of biscuit (cookie) which is traditionally made from one part white sugar, two parts butter, and three parts plain white flour, although other ingredients like ground rice or cornflour are sometimes added to alter the texture.
Shortbread is typically formed into one of three shapes: one large circle, which is divided into segments as soon as it is taken out of the oven ("Petticoat Tails"); individual round biscuits ("Shortbread Rounds"); or a thick (¾" or 2 cm) rectangular slab cut into "fingers." It is made from a stiff dough that retains its shape well during cooking.
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In 2001 the editors of Midwest Living magazine sent out a call for the best cookie recipes in the Midwest. The chocolate-freckled shortbread rounds from Chicago baker Marlene Kroll wowed the judges panel and won a spot in the magazine story.

Prep: 25 min. Bake 12 min per batch.
Make about 36 (~sy jadi 50 biscuit!)

1 cup butter, softened
2/3 cup sifted powder sugar
1 tbsp instant espresso powder or regular instant coffee crystals.
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 ounce semisweet chocolate, finely chopped
Sifted powdered sugar and/or unsweetened cocoa powder

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1. Preheat oven to 325 F. In a large mixing bowl beat butter with an electric mixer on medium speed to high speed for 30 seconds. Add the 2/3 cup powdered sugar, espresso powder, vanilla, and cinnamon. Beat until combined, scraping sides of bowl occasionally. Beat in as much of the flour as you can with the mixer. Stir in the remaining flour and chocolate with a wooden spoon, kneading dough in bowl slightly to blend, if necessary.
2. Shape dough into 1 inch balls. Place balls on an ungreased cookie sheet. Flatten slightly.
3. Bake in the preheated oven about 12 minutes or until cookie edges are set an bottoms are golden. Transfer to a wire rack and let cool. Springkle with additional powdered sugar and/or cocoa powder.
To store: Place cookies between layers of waxed paper in an airtight container, cover. Store at room temperature for up to 3 days or freeze for up to 3 months.


Riana Ambarsari said…
Wowwwww, great cookie shot!! Kudos to you, as alway!
Riana Ambarsari said…
A-ha! Barusan bikin neh *eh masih satu loyang lagi sih di oven*. Tadinya kupikir kayaknya mirip neh sama resep espresso hersheynya Santap, or kukis Kopi Saljunya Yasa Boga, adonannya mirip. Pas jadi, halaaaaaaah, sooo goooood!!! Ternyata justru zwingnya tuh ada di taburannya ya? Which btw, aku campur gula bubuk sama coklat bubuk. Jadi salah satu andalan neh! Thanks for sharing the recipe, Van. Gue cium lo Van!!
Vania said…
Mbak Riana...bagi dong.
Punya sy dah abis...bis-bis..
50 biji cuma bertahan 2x24 jam, padahal rencana u/ snack selama wiken.
Mbak sy pake gula bubuk dan cocoa powder jg, dicampur baru ditabur. Kayagnya bakalan keren wujudnya kalo ditabur cocoa powder dulu baru gula bubuk. Warna coklatnya lebih pekat trus ada butir2 putih gitu :)stuju gak?
Fotonya...gak terlalu bagus ah Mbak. Fotonya buru2 bgt, krn kudu pegi. Takutnya kalo gak langsung difoto dah keburu berpindah ke perut anak2. Ntar kalo bikin lagi ta foto lagi ah.
Riana Ambarsari said…
Bagus sekali ah fotonya, aku suka banget. Cahayanya lembut, DoFnya juga dapet banget. Akhir-akhir ini di tempatku rada susah dapet soft lighting kayak gini. Mataharinya greng banget biarpun pagi-pagi.
Hehehe.. kayaknya aku juga mau bikin lagi deh buat lebaran :)
imelda said…
Kirain ga pernah bikin kue yang kopi.... Kalo gitu, boleh dibikin dungs...
Vania said…
Mbak Ri, soft lighting itu diperoleh dari sinar matahari yg terik PLUS asap (yg lagi sering nongol di daerah Kalimantan).:(
Lebaran masak apa aja Mbak? Open house gak?
Vania said…
iya sih kadang bikin yg berkopi. Sy biasanya milih2 resep pake feeling. Biasanya suka jatuh cinta pada pandangan pertama (ke resep). Baru dibikin deh... Cobain deh Mel, enaaaak bgt nih cookie.
You have a wonderful Blog ! Thank you ;)
Julia said…
wow - these look so yummy...
can you believe I’ve never ever had shortbread??
haha, this will definitely change soon(!)
The recipe + pictures look absolutely great - well done!
Vania said…
Chanit, thx for coming.
Julia, this is my first shortbread... and my family is just falling in love to this kind of cookie. I've never give 'something' that contain coffee to my kids before, surprisingly they really like the flavour of this shortbread (50 cookies finish just for 2 days)... and also..My hubby likes it very much :D.
This shortbread will become one of our favorite recipe.
Riana Ambarsari said…
Van, iya beli terong belandanya di D'Best. Tau aja.. hihihi...
Thanks ya, ini kue ngehits nih di lebaran kemarin.
Farah said…
Ci Vania, ini chocolate-nya nga di leleh ya? Apa bisa tercampur rata ama dough-nya yang kalo aku imagine udah mulai mengental banget? pengen nyoba banget nii.. tp ga punya gula halus, trus kemaren ini exam mulu jd nga sempet beli mpe skrg ^^ makasih ya ce..
imelda said…
mo nanya.... Kemaren bikin shortbread yang di resep mbak vania, tapi
jadinya melebar tuh... N waktu ngebentuk bulet, Imel dah jadi okeh,
tapi pas di pipihin, ga bisa bagus... Pasti jadinya peyang-penyang...
kenapa ya???

Ini langkah-langkah Imel:
1. In a large mixing bowl beat butter with an electric mixer on medium
speed to high speed for 30 seconds (kayaknya Imel lebih lama deh,
mungkin sekitar 45 detik sampe 1 mmenit). Add the 2/3 cup powdered
sugar, espresso powder, vanilla, and cinnamon. Beat until combined,
scraping sides of bowl occasionally. Beat in as much of the flour as
you can with the mixer. Stir in the remaining flour and chocolate with
a wooden spoon, kneading dough in bowl slightly to blend, if
necessary. (Imel langsung masukin semuanya ke dalam bowl, trs diaduk
pake centong nasi)
2. Shape dough into 1 inch balls. Place balls on an ungreased cookie
sheet. (OK) Flatten slightly. (jadinya peyang)
3. Bake in the preheated oven about 12 minutes or until cookie edges
are set an bottoms are golden. (jadinya melebar) Transfer to a wire
rack and let cool.(waktu diangkat masih lembek n gampang patah
Vania said…
coklatnya diparut, sy prefer coklat yg masih keras (dari fridge) digerus pake piso, bentuknya jadi serbuk2 gitu deh. Pake parutan keju yg kecil2 jg bisa sih. Bakal sukses kog kalo dicampur ama dough yg lumayan padat itu.
O iya, ngocok butternya jgn terlalu lama yg, pokoknya begitu dah nyampur stop-in deh. Kalo terlalu lama akibatnya bentuk cookie-nya akan beleber2. Semoga sukses examnya ya Far.
Vania said…
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Vania said…
kemungkinan Imel terlalu lama ngocok butter-nya. Biasanya cookie yg jadi beleber wkt dipanggang itu krn pengocokan terlalu lama.
Awalnya pastikan butter udah di suhu ruangan. (kalo dingin akan jadi lama ngaduknya, tp jg gak sampe meleleh ya).Asal udah nyampur dan lembut, hentikan pengocokan, campur terigu dkk. Wujudnya ntar kayag kayag play dough deh. Abis dibolain, tekan perlahan2 aja, pake telapak tangan.
Smoga besok2 kalo nyoba lagi bisa sukses ya Mel. Trus kirim2 ke sini yah :)
an said…
Mbak Van,
ini resep nggak pake telor sama sekali ????
Vania said…
Dy, iya bener... gak pake telor samsek. Itulah ke khas-an shortbread... bahan utamanya cuma butter, terigu dan gula (plus vanilla dan dikit garem). Trus ditambahin flavor sesuai keinginan, mis chocolate atau kopi atau spice. Bikin u/ natalan ya Dy? Eh iya, rencana tahun ini gw gak bikin gingerbread cookies mo ganti dgn ginger shortbread. Yeah, tapi masih rencana... belom sempet2 ajah :( --sok sibuk tea deeh.
an said…
Iya Mbak, udah aku bikin malem sblum kami pulang kampung...(eh aku jg masih punya kampung neh), tapina krn gak punya semisweet chocolate aku pake DCC,itu kukis jadi item hehhee, tp enak, ada rasa2 kopinya (saya penggemar berat kopi). Eh orang2 di rumah pada suka, kecuali my hubby, he doesn't like cookies. Next time aku mo coba lagi pake semisweet chocolate deh....;-). Thanks yaaa...
imelda said…
Akhirnya... Imel bisa bikin shirtbread ini juga.... Bener mba, kelamaan ngocok butter... Mungkin karena langsung Imel kocok dalam keadaan beku... Next, mo bikin capucinno crinkles....
Anonymous said…
Hi Van, sory nih nanya pertanyaan bodoh, 1 cup itu kira2 berapa gram ya??
Retno Prihadana said…
Wahh...kuenya asyiek banget, foto-fotonya juga kereeeenn, salam kenal ya
Anonymous said…
mba, 1 cup butter itu sama dg berapa gram?
Elsye said…
Vaa...aku contek resep cookie nya yaa...enak bangettt...thankss berat usah sharing :P
Unknown said…
mbak, 1 cup butter itu berapa gram sih ?
terus aku mau tanya, katanya kan kalau bikin kukis engga boleh diaduk aduk terlalu banyak, lha kalo gak diaduk banyak tepungnya gimana rata nya ?
Vania said…
1 cup butter ~ 227 gr.
diaduk secukupnya, artinya gak overmix. Saat ngocok butter jangan sampai terlalu lembut, saat ngaduk terigu dkk cukup sampai tercampur rata, jgn sampe 'kerajinan' diaduk2 teruuus. Good luck.
Besok bikin jg ah... dah lama gak bikin :)
Anonymous said…
klo ditemperatur room cuma tahan 3 hari ya mba?trus mba bingung nieh untuk bahannya pake ukuran cup,tolong ditranslate ke gram dong...makasih mba vania