MUFFIN that taste like donut

Yeahhh... kedengerannya pasti lucu.
Tapi emang inilah judul asli yg ada di buku resep muffin andalan sy, 'Muffin Mania'. Resep yg dimasukkan dlm kategori 'Tea Time' ini sy coba hari Jumat sore kemaren. Rencana u/ snack selama weekend, tp Sabtu sore ini udah abis :) .
Hasilnya, not bad... rasanya mirip2 classic donut, dengan texture muffin. Kalo sebelumnya si Oatmeal Muffin sy kasi bintang 5, muffin ini sy kasi bintang 3.

Krn terpengaruh topping donut modern saat ini, jadi sy nambahin bbrp jenis topping 'praktis' lainnya, dari bahan yg emang dah ada di kulkas. Sy buat bbrp variasi, pake sugar topping (sesuai resep), chocolate ganache, mocca glaze dan strawberry jam filling (ditambahin 1 sdt jam sebelum dimasukin oven) yg kemudian ditaburi sugar donut. Buat yg satu ini, mungkin bisa dicoba jg, masukin jamnya setelah muffin keluar dari oven. Bisa liat caranya di cupcake fun. Sementara u/ yg pake chocolate ganache & mocca glaze, toppingnya jgn dituang di atas muffin, tp muffin yg nyamperin topping dlm bowl.
Mmmm.... What a fancy muffin !
Satu catatan dari pengalaman kemaren, baking muffin ini gak bisa bertahap. Jadi begitu adonan di masukin dalam cetakan muffin, sebaiknya langsung di-ovenin. Kalo nunggu masukin perbatch, dikhawatirkan masuk oven belakangan bakal bantat.

(*) Salah satu ingredient resep ini adalah 1/3 cup oil. Saya sarankan pake canola oil (corn oil). Memang kalopun pake minyak goreng biasa, gak akan mempengaruhi rasa. Corn oil memang lebih mahal drpd minyak goreng biasa, tp pilihan penting ini adalah demi alasan kesehatan.
"Canola oil is very low in saturated fat and has a very high proportion of monounsaturated fat. So, it is a healthy choice when it comes to oils". (

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pic : chocolate 'donut' muffin
1 3/4 cups all purpose flour
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1/4 tsp cinnamon (~sy pake 1/2 tsp)
1/3 cup oil (*)
3/4 cup white sugar (first amount)
1 egg
3/4 cup milk

sugar topping.
1/2 cup melted butter
3/4 cup white sugar (second amount)
1 tsp cinnamon
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pic : mocca 'donut' muffin (L) & sugar 'donut' muffin (R)
In a bowl combine flour, baking powder, salt, nutmeg and cinnamon
In another bowl, combine thoroughly oil, sugar, egg and milk.
Add liquid ingredients to dry and stir only to combine.
~do not overmix!
Bake 350 F for 20-25 minutes

to make sugar 'donut' muffin
Shake muffins out immediately an while hot, dip in melted butter, then sugar and cinnamon.

to make mocca glaze
Sift together 1 cup confectioners' sugar and 1/2 tbsp cocoa powder into a small bowl. In a small bowl, stir 1/2 tsp instant coffee powder in 1/8 cup + 1 tbsp boiling water to dissolve. Pour the coffee mixture into the dry ingredients and stir with a wooden spoon until smooth. Use immediately.
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pic : strawberry jam 'donut' muffin
For a delicious variation,
fill tins 1/2 full of batter, put 1 tsp jam on top,
and top it with the rest of the batter.

Kemaren sore sambil sy foto si muffin2 ini, Patricia baru pulang sekolah. Dia ngambil 1 muffin yg masih polos, trus nongkrong di samping sy sambil nyuir2 muffin yg sebelum dia makan di'cocolin' dulu dlm ganache. ...sampe mulut dan jarinya belepotan coklat. Menurut dia itulah cara makan muffin yg paling nikmat. Stelah itu, dia nongkrong di bawah meja yg lagi sy pake nge-foto muffin.


Anonymous said…
mbak vania, fotonya tempting bangeeet. bikin pengen cepet2 nyobain. aku link boleh ya?
Anonymous said…
Wow this looks really good? I heard that donut muffins do not keep well. Did it keep well for you?