Timlo & Sosis SOLO *my version*
Solo, the spirit of Java!
Solo, which has the official name of Surakarta, is located in Central Java, Indonesia.
This city is also known as Batik City. Exploring this city in less than 24 hours (not including sleeping at night), I found lots of interesting parts in it.
Tradition and modernism are living side-by-side in such beautiful harmony. The Solo City Goverment seems appreciating cultural art events, giving positive impact on the preservation of the traditional and unique cultures. Here, both Javanese culture and Chinese culture that are presented in Solo since early 1746, grow strong.
Click this for the calender event.
Collecting traditional markets (pasar tradisional) make us never run out of idea where to visit in Solo. From one market to the others we visited right after we arrived by train from Yogyakarta. From Pasar Legi (Legi Market) to Pasar Gede which is the biggest traditional market in Solo. From the Saturday Night Market (Pasar Malam) in Ngarsopuro in front of the famous Triwindu Antique Market to the super traditional Gawok Market in Sukaharjo. Each of them have their own uniqueness. Very interesting. Full of spirit.

Back home, I was thinking to find the recipe of Timlo and make it for my family with our version. Why not?
I think the Sosis Solo will be better if it is prepared more properly; to produce ungreasy sausage with nutritious filling.
I read in some sources said that the Sosis Solo for Timlo is made of mix of eggs and flour for the skin and filled with some shredded chicken.
Learn the Timlo recipe that I got from a Femina Magazine, I thought it could be delicious and healthy. Since the recipe says for ready to use Sosis Solo, so I decided to make the Timlo and Sosis Solo from the scratch. I made Sosis Solo that normally serve for snack. Healthier and looks good.
So this is our warm Timlo serve with nutritious Sosis Solo. Very good for warming our body (and soul) during this cold November.
Solo, which has the official name of Surakarta, is located in Central Java, Indonesia.
This city is also known as Batik City. Exploring this city in less than 24 hours (not including sleeping at night), I found lots of interesting parts in it.
Tradition and modernism are living side-by-side in such beautiful harmony. The Solo City Goverment seems appreciating cultural art events, giving positive impact on the preservation of the traditional and unique cultures. Here, both Javanese culture and Chinese culture that are presented in Solo since early 1746, grow strong.
Click this for the calender event.
Collecting traditional markets (pasar tradisional) make us never run out of idea where to visit in Solo. From one market to the others we visited right after we arrived by train from Yogyakarta. From Pasar Legi (Legi Market) to Pasar Gede which is the biggest traditional market in Solo. From the Saturday Night Market (Pasar Malam) in Ngarsopuro in front of the famous Triwindu Antique Market to the super traditional Gawok Market in Sukaharjo. Each of them have their own uniqueness. Very interesting. Full of spirit.
Famous as Batik City, this short trip would not be completed without bringing home some batik. Oh, there are always reasons to go shopping. Love it!
So, we stop by in batik shops, in the old Kampung Batik Lawean, where there are tens of small batik shops in one big area. Going in and out of the small alleys in this batik village and back to the hotel with some shopping bags. Happy! Not done yet, we also stop by in the famous House of Danar Hadi. Another shopping bag we brought home.
One interesting part of every trip is the culinary experience. Each time we visit a new place, the only thing that I want to eat is their traditional culinary; something that unique from that place. From their varieties of traditonal snacks to beverages, from main courses to the desserts. FYI, most of us have no appetizer for traditional food. I enjoyed Es Dawet Selasih in Pasar Gede to Sate Kambing in Pasar Gawok. Yummy! Also had a great lunch in Soga restaurant in House of Danar Hadi.
I'm lucky enough that have a strong tummy. I eat everywhere, most of the time are the street food; in the market or in warung (~small traditional food stall). No stomach upset :)
One interesting experience was when we tried Timlo.
Timlo is a famous soup in Solo, made from seasoned chicken liver (and gizzard), eggs and fried pastry with meat filling (Sosis Solo) that bath under delicious hot clear chicken soup.
Timlo is a famous soup in Solo, made from seasoned chicken liver (and gizzard), eggs and fried pastry with meat filling (Sosis Solo) that bath under delicious hot clear chicken soup.
Since our family don't eat liver, gizzard, or whatever innards, so I skip that part. Trying this dish for the first time, I thought it's not special. The sosis/sausage is a bit greasy and the soup is like other normal chicken soup. The unique of that dish is that it came from the old famous food stall, and the waiters still use a board pad and chalk to count the price. Okay, I got the experience of eating Timlo.
I think the Sosis Solo will be better if it is prepared more properly; to produce ungreasy sausage with nutritious filling.
I read in some sources said that the Sosis Solo for Timlo is made of mix of eggs and flour for the skin and filled with some shredded chicken.
Learn the Timlo recipe that I got from a Femina Magazine, I thought it could be delicious and healthy. Since the recipe says for ready to use Sosis Solo, so I decided to make the Timlo and Sosis Solo from the scratch. I made Sosis Solo that normally serve for snack. Healthier and looks good.
So this is our warm Timlo serve with nutritious Sosis Solo. Very good for warming our body (and soul) during this cold November.
TimloSource : Femina Magazine, Indonesia (May 2009)-Jajanan Solo Populer
Bahan / Ingredients:
50 gr suun, rendam air panas, tiriskan / 50 gr vermicelli/glass noodle, scalded, drained
6 buah sosis solo goreng, iris bulat tebal 1 cm / 6 pieces of fried sausage solo, slice 1 cm thick2 sdm bawang goreng, siap pakai / 2 tbsp fried onions, ready to use
Hati Ampela Kecap --Telur Kecap *adventurelicious
2 sdm minyak untuk menumis / 2 tbsp oil for stir frying8 butir bawang merah, haluskan / 8 shallot, mashed
3 siung bawang putih, haluskan / 3 garlic, mashed6 pasang hati dan ampela ayam, bersihkan *ditiadakan / 6 pairs chicken liver & gizzard, clean *I skip them3 sdm kecap manis / 3 tbsp sweet soy sauce
1 1/2 sdt garam / 1 1/2 tsp salt
1 sdt gula pasir / 1 tsp sugar
1/2 sdt merica bubuk / 1/2 tsp ground pepper
750 ml air / 750 ml water
3 butir telur ayam rebus, kupas / 3 boiled eggs, peeled
Kuah / Soup:
2 liter air / 2 litre water
1 ekor (800 gr) ayam kampung, potong 4 bagian / 1 free-range chicken, cut to 4 pieces
1 batang daun bawang, potong melintang 1 cm / 1 spring onion, cut crosswise 1 cm
2 sdm minyak untuk menumis / 2 tbsp oil for stir frying
8 butir bawang merah, iris tipis / 8 shallot, slice thinly
5 siung bawang putih, iris tipis / 5 garlic, slice thinly
1 1/2 sdt garam / 1 1/2 tsp salt
3/4 sdt merica bubuk / 3/4 ground white pepper
1 sdm kecap manis / 1 tbsp sweet soy sauce
Sambal kecap, campur rata: / Soy sauce cordiment, mix well
6 buah cabai rawit merah, haluskan / 6 red bird's eye chilli, mashed
3 siung bawang putih, goreng, haluskan / 3 garlic, fried, mashed
6 sdm kecap manis / 6 tbsp sweet soy sauce
Cara Membuat :
Hati Ampela Kecap --Telur Kecap *adventurelicious* : Panaskan minyak, tumis bawang merah dan bawang putih hingga harum. Masukkan hati dan ampela, masak hingga kaku. Tambahkan kecap manis, garam, dan merica, aduk Rata. Tuangi air, masukkan telur. Masak hingga air menyusut dan semua bahan matang. Angkat. Ambil telur, potong membujur 2 bagian. Sisihkan.
Kuah : Rebus air bersama ayam dan bawang daun di atas api kecil hingga ayam matang. Angkat, sisihkan.
Panaskan minyak, tumis bawang merah dan bawang putih hingga harum, angkat. Masukkan ke dalam kaldu ayam, aduk rata. Jerang kembali kaldu, tambahkan garam, merica, dan kecap manis, aduk rata. Didihkan. Ambil ayam, suwir-suwir kasar dagingnya.
Bahan / Ingredients:
50 gr suun, rendam air panas, tiriskan / 50 gr vermicelli/glass noodle, scalded, drained
6 buah sosis solo goreng, iris bulat tebal 1 cm / 6 pieces of fried sausage solo, slice 1 cm thick2 sdm bawang goreng, siap pakai / 2 tbsp fried onions, ready to use
Hati Ampela Kecap --Telur Kecap *adventurelicious
2 sdm minyak untuk menumis / 2 tbsp oil for stir frying8 butir bawang merah, haluskan / 8 shallot, mashed
3 siung bawang putih, haluskan / 3 garlic, mashed6 pasang hati dan ampela ayam, bersihkan *ditiadakan / 6 pairs chicken liver & gizzard, clean *I skip them3 sdm kecap manis / 3 tbsp sweet soy sauce
1 1/2 sdt garam / 1 1/2 tsp salt
1 sdt gula pasir / 1 tsp sugar
1/2 sdt merica bubuk / 1/2 tsp ground pepper
750 ml air / 750 ml water
3 butir telur ayam rebus, kupas / 3 boiled eggs, peeled
Kuah / Soup:
2 liter air / 2 litre water
1 ekor (800 gr) ayam kampung, potong 4 bagian / 1 free-range chicken, cut to 4 pieces
1 batang daun bawang, potong melintang 1 cm / 1 spring onion, cut crosswise 1 cm
2 sdm minyak untuk menumis / 2 tbsp oil for stir frying
8 butir bawang merah, iris tipis / 8 shallot, slice thinly
5 siung bawang putih, iris tipis / 5 garlic, slice thinly
1 1/2 sdt garam / 1 1/2 tsp salt
3/4 sdt merica bubuk / 3/4 ground white pepper
1 sdm kecap manis / 1 tbsp sweet soy sauce
Sambal kecap, campur rata: / Soy sauce cordiment, mix well
6 buah cabai rawit merah, haluskan / 6 red bird's eye chilli, mashed
3 siung bawang putih, goreng, haluskan / 3 garlic, fried, mashed
6 sdm kecap manis / 6 tbsp sweet soy sauce
Cara Membuat :
Hati Ampela Kecap --Telur Kecap *adventurelicious* : Panaskan minyak, tumis bawang merah dan bawang putih hingga harum. Masukkan hati dan ampela, masak hingga kaku. Tambahkan kecap manis, garam, dan merica, aduk Rata. Tuangi air, masukkan telur. Masak hingga air menyusut dan semua bahan matang. Angkat. Ambil telur, potong membujur 2 bagian. Sisihkan.
Kuah : Rebus air bersama ayam dan bawang daun di atas api kecil hingga ayam matang. Angkat, sisihkan.
Panaskan minyak, tumis bawang merah dan bawang putih hingga harum, angkat. Masukkan ke dalam kaldu ayam, aduk rata. Jerang kembali kaldu, tambahkan garam, merica, dan kecap manis, aduk rata. Didihkan. Ambil ayam, suwir-suwir kasar dagingnya.
Penyajian : Atur suun, sosis solo goreng, suwiran ayam, hati dan ampela, serta telur rebus kecap dalam mangkuk saji. Siram dengan kuah. Taburi bawang merah goreng. Sajikan segera bersama sambal kecap.
Untuk 6 porsi.
Untuk 6 porsi.
English :
Heart & Gizzard Soy Sauce -- Eggs Soy Sauce * adventurelicious *: Heat oil, stir fry onion and garlic until fragrante. Add the heart and gizzard, and cook until stiff. Add the sweet soy sauce, salt, and pepper, mix well . Pour the water, add the eggs. Cook until the water recede and all the ingredients cook. Remove from heat. Take the eggs, cut lengthwise 2 parts. Set aside.
Soup: Boil the water with chicken and scallions over low heat until chicken is cooked. Remove and set aside.Heat oil, saute onion and garlic until fragrant, remove from heat. Put it in chicken stock and stir well. Heat again stock, add salt, pepper, and soy sauce and stir well. Bring to a boil. Take the chicken, shredded coarsely.
Serving: Arrange suun (vermicelli/glass noodle), solo fried sausage, shredded chicken, liver and gizzard, boiled eggs in a serving bowl. Pour soup. Sprinkle with fried shallots. Serve immediately with soy sauce chilli.
Heart & Gizzard Soy Sauce -- Eggs Soy Sauce * adventurelicious *: Heat oil, stir fry onion and garlic until fragrante. Add the heart and gizzard, and cook until stiff. Add the sweet soy sauce, salt, and pepper, mix well . Pour the water, add the eggs. Cook until the water recede and all the ingredients cook. Remove from heat. Take the eggs, cut lengthwise 2 parts. Set aside.
Soup: Boil the water with chicken and scallions over low heat until chicken is cooked. Remove and set aside.Heat oil, saute onion and garlic until fragrant, remove from heat. Put it in chicken stock and stir well. Heat again stock, add salt, pepper, and soy sauce and stir well. Bring to a boil. Take the chicken, shredded coarsely.
Serving: Arrange suun (vermicelli/glass noodle), solo fried sausage, shredded chicken, liver and gizzard, boiled eggs in a serving bowl. Pour soup. Sprinkle with fried shallots. Serve immediately with soy sauce chilli.
Sosis Solo (Solo Sausage)Source : Seri Masak Femina, Masakan dan Kue Indonesia.
Bahan / Ingredients:
5 butir telur / 5 eggs125 ml santan dari 1/2 butir kelapa / 125 ml coconut milk from 1/2 coconut
1/2 sdt garam / 1/2 tsp salt
Minyak untuk mengoles / oil for greasing the pan
Isi / Filling:200 gr daging cincang / 200 gr ground beef
1 butir telur, kocok / 1 eggs, beat3 sdm santan kental / 3 tbsp thick coconut milk
Bumbu halus / Spices, ground together:5 butir bawang merah / 5 shallots2 siung bawang putih / 2 garlic
1/2 sdt ketumbar sangrai / 1/2 tsp coriander, roasted
10 butir jintan sangrai / 10 cumin, roasted
3 butir kemiri sangrai / 3 candlenuts, roasted1 sdt garam / 1 tsp salt
1 sdm gula pasir / 1 tsp sugar
Cara Membuat :1. Kocok telur sebentar, masukkan santan dan garam, kemudian aduk.
2. Olesi wajan datar dengan minyak, buatlah dadar tipis bergaris tengah +/- 12 cm.
3. Isi : Campur daging cincang, telur, santan kental dan bumbu halus, aduk sampai rata.
4. Isilah tiap lembar dadar dengan 1 sendok makan adonan daging, kemudian gulung.
5. Kukus selama 20-25 menit sampai matang, angkat. Hidangkan.
Untuk 15-20 buah.
English :Method :1. Beat the eggs for a while, put the coconut milk and salt, then mix well.
2. Grease a flat pan with oil, make a thin omelette diameter + / - 12 cm.
3. Filling: Mix the ground meat, eggs, coconut milk and spices, stir until evenly.
4. Fill each sheet of omelet with 1 tablespoon of meat mixture, then roll.
5. Steam for 20-25 minutes until cooked, remove from heat. Serve it.
Serves 15-20.
Bahan / Ingredients:
5 butir telur / 5 eggs125 ml santan dari 1/2 butir kelapa / 125 ml coconut milk from 1/2 coconut
1/2 sdt garam / 1/2 tsp salt
Minyak untuk mengoles / oil for greasing the pan
Isi / Filling:200 gr daging cincang / 200 gr ground beef
1 butir telur, kocok / 1 eggs, beat3 sdm santan kental / 3 tbsp thick coconut milk
Bumbu halus / Spices, ground together:5 butir bawang merah / 5 shallots2 siung bawang putih / 2 garlic
1/2 sdt ketumbar sangrai / 1/2 tsp coriander, roasted
10 butir jintan sangrai / 10 cumin, roasted
3 butir kemiri sangrai / 3 candlenuts, roasted1 sdt garam / 1 tsp salt
1 sdm gula pasir / 1 tsp sugar
Cara Membuat :1. Kocok telur sebentar, masukkan santan dan garam, kemudian aduk.
2. Olesi wajan datar dengan minyak, buatlah dadar tipis bergaris tengah +/- 12 cm.
3. Isi : Campur daging cincang, telur, santan kental dan bumbu halus, aduk sampai rata.
4. Isilah tiap lembar dadar dengan 1 sendok makan adonan daging, kemudian gulung.
5. Kukus selama 20-25 menit sampai matang, angkat. Hidangkan.
Untuk 15-20 buah.
English :Method :1. Beat the eggs for a while, put the coconut milk and salt, then mix well.
2. Grease a flat pan with oil, make a thin omelette diameter + / - 12 cm.
3. Filling: Mix the ground meat, eggs, coconut milk and spices, stir until evenly.
4. Fill each sheet of omelet with 1 tablespoon of meat mixture, then roll.
5. Steam for 20-25 minutes until cooked, remove from heat. Serve it.
Serves 15-20.
ijin di share yah mba!
Saya rekomendasikan ke Pasar Gede, Kampung Batik Lawean, naik bis tingkat pariwisata, keraton, pasar antik Triwindu dan wisata kuliner, cari makanan khas/tradisional.