Strawberry Pudding with Chocolate 'Heart' Cookies for Valentine's Day
I just woke up yesterday morning, when...surprised !!! my daughter and husband showered me with Valentine's Day cards and lots of kisses. ohooo, I felt like it was a mother's day! Am I a queen of the day? uuups...I didn't prepare any cards for them. Silly me!
*Hhhm... my son was still under the blanket on his bed.

Wow, I felt like flying in the sky... love was blowing in the air. The surprises didn't stop; later on, I received a bunch of white roses, sent by my husband. I try to remember that since years ago, he almost never fail to send me flowers on a Valentine's day, before and after we got married, no matter where we were living at that time.
I feel so blessed, so lucky.

And again, without any special preparation like last year, I tried to browse a special dessert recipe for our dinner. I wanted to make something special for my family. I was looking for something chocolaty, and pinky, and sweet. Luckily, I got lot of fresh strawberries in the traditional market nearby our home and had stock of cooking chocolate in the kitchen cupboard.
So, I decided to make Strawberry Pudding, and served it with chocolate 'heart shape' cookies.
Everything went smooth. Making the pudding, from fresh strawberries, without preservative or artificial flavor, including preparing the strawberry sauce. It was a bit tricky because we had to work fast, otherwise the pudding would set faster than our movement.
Baking the chocolate cookies was so fun. I used some different size of heart shape cookie cutters, and put some heart sprinkle. This was my first time trying this Martha Stewart Recipe that I just got after browsing her website that morning. It is a kind recipe; easy and the result was excellent! Very chocolaty, and I like to call it 'brownie rolled cookie'. The flavor is like brownies; delicious, with very deep of chocolate flavor.

Not only the baking and cooking... during the photo session in the late afternoon, I couldn't stop laughing. I enjoyed the moment while styling and clicking my camera and at the same time I listened my children told me some funny (and naughty) stories; about their school, their teachers and friends. Imagine, I did the photo session while helping my daughter doing her math story homework. It's only one 'a bit difficult' question, but I'm glad to say that 'I'm smarter than a 6th grader'.
*Patricia, you can laugh as loud as you want when you read this posting!*
Outside of the windows, our gardener who was working in our backyard looked confused when he realized that the "photo star" was FOOD. ha..ha..
So, that's the story of our Valentine's day this year.
It's fun, full of laugh, full of love, beautiful memory, and delicious food.
I can't think there is any excuses not to celebrate this lovely day!
Happy Valentine's Day to All of You.
Puding Stroberi / Strawberry Pudding
source : Primarasa Femina, Kreasi Puding
Bahan / Ingredients:
150 gr buah stroberi / 150 gr fresh strawberries
2 sdm air / 2 tbsp water
850 ml susu cair / 850 ml milk
125 gr gula pasir / 125 gr sugar
2 bungkus (7gr) agar-agar putih / 2 sacher (@7gr) agar-agar powder
2 kuning telur, kocok lepas / 2 eggs yolk, slighly beaten
250 ml krim kental / 250 ml heavy cream
2 tetes pewarna makanan merah jambu / 2 drop food coloring (red)
Saus Stroberi / Strawberry Sauce
250 gr buah stroberi / 250 gr fresh strawberry
50 ml air matang / 50 ml water
50 gr gula pasir / 50 gr sugar
1. Siapkan beberapa cetakan (sesuai keinginan) perciki dengan air matang. Masukkan stroberi dan air dalam blender, proses hingga halus, sisihkan.
2. Masukkan susu, gula, dan agar-agar dalam panci, aduk hingga agar-agar larut. Jerangkan di atas api, aduk hingga mendidih dan gula larut. Ambil +/- 2 sdm adonan agar-agar ke dalam kuning telur kocok, aduk rata. Tuang kembali ke dalam panci agar-agar, aduk cepat hingga rata, angkat. Aduk terus hingga uapnya hilang.
3. Masukkan krim kental ke dalam adonan sambil di aduk hingga rata. Masukkan jus stroberi dan pewarna merah, aduk.
4. Tuang adonan ke dalam cetakan yang sudah disiapkan, biarkan hingga dingin. masukkan ke dalam lemari es hingga mengeras.
5. Saus stroberi : Masukkan stroberi dalam blender bersama air dan gula pasir, proses hingga halus, keluarkan dari blender.
6. Sajikan puding bersama saus stroberi.

Direction :
1. Prepare a mold (as desired) drizzle with boiled water. Put the strawberries and water in a blender, process until smooth, set aside.
2. Put the milk, sugar and agar-agar (jelly) powder in a saucepan, stir until agar-agar dissolves. Heat on fire, stir until boiling and sugar dissolves. Take +/- 2 tablespoons agar-agar mixture into the beaten egg yolks and stir well. Pour back into the pan of agar-agar, stir until blended, remove from heat. Stir continuously until the steam disappear.
3. Put the heavy cream into the mixture, stir until blended. Put the strawberry juice and red coloring, stirring.
4. Pour the batter into the prepared mold, leave it to cool down. Put it in the refrigerator until gets hardened.
5. Strawberry sauce: Put the the strawberries in a blender with water and sugar, process until smooth, remove from the blender.
6. Serve the pudding with strawberry sauce.
Chocolate Sweet Hearts
Source : Martha Stewart Website
These crisp, delicate cookies have less than 50 calories each. Swap in different cookie cutters for other occasions; adjust the baking time accordingly.
Prep Time 25 minutes
Total Time 55 minutes plus cooling
Makes 42
1 cup all-purpose flour, (spooned and leveled)
1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
4 ounces bittersweet or semisweet chocolate, chopped
4 tablespoons (1/2 stick) unsalted butter, cut into pieces
1/2 cup packed light-brown sugar
1 large egg
1. In a bowl, whisk together flour, cocoa, baking soda, and salt. In another bowl set over (not in) a saucepan of simmering water, place chocolate, butter, and brown sugar; stir frequently until almost completely melted. Remove from heat, and stir until completely melted; let cool slightly.
2. Add egg to chocolate mixture. With a mixer on low, beat until well blended. Gradually stir in flour mixture (dough will form a ball).
3. Divide dough in half; roll out each half on a sheet of parchment paper to a 1/4-inch thickness. Transfer each half (still on paper) to a baking sheet; freeze until firm, about 20 minutes.
4. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Working with one half at a time, flip dough onto a work surface; peel off paper. Using a 2-inch heart-shaped cookie cutter, cut out cookies; place, 1/2 inch apart, on two baking sheets. Bake until firm and fragrant, about 8 to 10 minutes. Transfer cookies to a rack to cool.
Cook's Note
To roll out the dough without using flour (which would mar its color), cover your work surface with parchment paper. Once the dough is frozen, you can peel off the paper and cut the cookies directly on the work surface.
*Hhhm... my son was still under the blanket on his bed.
Wow, I felt like flying in the sky... love was blowing in the air. The surprises didn't stop; later on, I received a bunch of white roses, sent by my husband. I try to remember that since years ago, he almost never fail to send me flowers on a Valentine's day, before and after we got married, no matter where we were living at that time.
I feel so blessed, so lucky.
And again, without any special preparation like last year, I tried to browse a special dessert recipe for our dinner. I wanted to make something special for my family. I was looking for something chocolaty, and pinky, and sweet. Luckily, I got lot of fresh strawberries in the traditional market nearby our home and had stock of cooking chocolate in the kitchen cupboard.
So, I decided to make Strawberry Pudding, and served it with chocolate 'heart shape' cookies.
Everything went smooth. Making the pudding, from fresh strawberries, without preservative or artificial flavor, including preparing the strawberry sauce. It was a bit tricky because we had to work fast, otherwise the pudding would set faster than our movement.
Baking the chocolate cookies was so fun. I used some different size of heart shape cookie cutters, and put some heart sprinkle. This was my first time trying this Martha Stewart Recipe that I just got after browsing her website that morning. It is a kind recipe; easy and the result was excellent! Very chocolaty, and I like to call it 'brownie rolled cookie'. The flavor is like brownies; delicious, with very deep of chocolate flavor.
Not only the baking and cooking... during the photo session in the late afternoon, I couldn't stop laughing. I enjoyed the moment while styling and clicking my camera and at the same time I listened my children told me some funny (and naughty) stories; about their school, their teachers and friends. Imagine, I did the photo session while helping my daughter doing her math story homework. It's only one 'a bit difficult' question, but I'm glad to say that 'I'm smarter than a 6th grader'.
*Patricia, you can laugh as loud as you want when you read this posting!*
Outside of the windows, our gardener who was working in our backyard looked confused when he realized that the "photo star" was FOOD. ha..ha..
So, that's the story of our Valentine's day this year.
It's fun, full of laugh, full of love, beautiful memory, and delicious food.
I can't think there is any excuses not to celebrate this lovely day!
Happy Valentine's Day to All of You.
Puding Stroberi / Strawberry Pudding
source : Primarasa Femina, Kreasi Puding
Bahan / Ingredients:
150 gr buah stroberi / 150 gr fresh strawberries
2 sdm air / 2 tbsp water
850 ml susu cair / 850 ml milk
125 gr gula pasir / 125 gr sugar
2 bungkus (7gr) agar-agar putih / 2 sacher (@7gr) agar-agar powder
2 kuning telur, kocok lepas / 2 eggs yolk, slighly beaten
250 ml krim kental / 250 ml heavy cream
2 tetes pewarna makanan merah jambu / 2 drop food coloring (red)
Saus Stroberi / Strawberry Sauce
250 gr buah stroberi / 250 gr fresh strawberry
50 ml air matang / 50 ml water
50 gr gula pasir / 50 gr sugar
1. Siapkan beberapa cetakan (sesuai keinginan) perciki dengan air matang. Masukkan stroberi dan air dalam blender, proses hingga halus, sisihkan.
2. Masukkan susu, gula, dan agar-agar dalam panci, aduk hingga agar-agar larut. Jerangkan di atas api, aduk hingga mendidih dan gula larut. Ambil +/- 2 sdm adonan agar-agar ke dalam kuning telur kocok, aduk rata. Tuang kembali ke dalam panci agar-agar, aduk cepat hingga rata, angkat. Aduk terus hingga uapnya hilang.
3. Masukkan krim kental ke dalam adonan sambil di aduk hingga rata. Masukkan jus stroberi dan pewarna merah, aduk.
4. Tuang adonan ke dalam cetakan yang sudah disiapkan, biarkan hingga dingin. masukkan ke dalam lemari es hingga mengeras.
5. Saus stroberi : Masukkan stroberi dalam blender bersama air dan gula pasir, proses hingga halus, keluarkan dari blender.
6. Sajikan puding bersama saus stroberi.
Direction :
1. Prepare a mold (as desired) drizzle with boiled water. Put the strawberries and water in a blender, process until smooth, set aside.
2. Put the milk, sugar and agar-agar (jelly) powder in a saucepan, stir until agar-agar dissolves. Heat on fire, stir until boiling and sugar dissolves. Take +/- 2 tablespoons agar-agar mixture into the beaten egg yolks and stir well. Pour back into the pan of agar-agar, stir until blended, remove from heat. Stir continuously until the steam disappear.
3. Put the heavy cream into the mixture, stir until blended. Put the strawberry juice and red coloring, stirring.
4. Pour the batter into the prepared mold, leave it to cool down. Put it in the refrigerator until gets hardened.
5. Strawberry sauce: Put the the strawberries in a blender with water and sugar, process until smooth, remove from the blender.
6. Serve the pudding with strawberry sauce.
Chocolate Sweet Hearts
Source : Martha Stewart Website
These crisp, delicate cookies have less than 50 calories each. Swap in different cookie cutters for other occasions; adjust the baking time accordingly.
Prep Time 25 minutes
Total Time 55 minutes plus cooling
Makes 42
1 cup all-purpose flour, (spooned and leveled)
1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
4 ounces bittersweet or semisweet chocolate, chopped
4 tablespoons (1/2 stick) unsalted butter, cut into pieces
1/2 cup packed light-brown sugar
1 large egg
1. In a bowl, whisk together flour, cocoa, baking soda, and salt. In another bowl set over (not in) a saucepan of simmering water, place chocolate, butter, and brown sugar; stir frequently until almost completely melted. Remove from heat, and stir until completely melted; let cool slightly.
2. Add egg to chocolate mixture. With a mixer on low, beat until well blended. Gradually stir in flour mixture (dough will form a ball).
3. Divide dough in half; roll out each half on a sheet of parchment paper to a 1/4-inch thickness. Transfer each half (still on paper) to a baking sheet; freeze until firm, about 20 minutes.
4. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Working with one half at a time, flip dough onto a work surface; peel off paper. Using a 2-inch heart-shaped cookie cutter, cut out cookies; place, 1/2 inch apart, on two baking sheets. Bake until firm and fragrant, about 8 to 10 minutes. Transfer cookies to a rack to cool.
Cook's Note
To roll out the dough without using flour (which would mar its color), cover your work surface with parchment paper. Once the dough is frozen, you can peel off the paper and cut the cookies directly on the work surface.
yuk mariii, kita ngobrol sambil ngepudding :)