Traditional Melting Moment; Bangket Keju
We recognize 'Melting Moments' as a classic cookies that got the named because it does melt in our mouth. To make this type of cookie, we need to replace some of the flour with corn flour (cornstarch). I think that is the key of the 'melting in the mouth' part.

It was a couple of weeks ago, I tried a new recipe that the print-out had been pined on my soft board for a few months; called Bangket Keju. Actually Bangket is a name of cookie that quite popular in this country. Some places in this country have their own traditional recipe.
I used a recipe that I found in Femina Magazine, which was about some cake and cookie recipes from Manado, North Sulawesi. They said that this is one of the variant of 'Bangket Jahe' (Ginger Bangket) that is more popular in that province.
Not too hard to prepare, but we need extra patience to make the balls one by one. oooohhh...
At the end, the combination aroma of pandan leaves and coconut (from the coconut milk) blowed from the oven. It was really good smell and I could recognize this smell as the aroma of our traditional cookie. It was an Indonesian cookie aroma!
It does not use flour, but only tapioca flour; which is the key to the melting moment.
No need to chew this cookie, they will melt in your tongue. Don't hold it too strong, it will crack to small pieces on your finger.
Have a beautiful Sunday Night!
2. Rebus santan dan garam di atas api kecil, sambil aduk perlahan hingga mendidih. Angkat. Sisihkan.
3. Kocok gula dan semua telur menggunakan mixer berkecepatan tinggi hingga mengembang. Tambahkan tepung sangrai dan soda kue, kocok kembali secara cepat hingga rata.
4. Ambil 1 sdm adonan, bulatkan dengan diameter 1 cm. Letakkan di atas loyang datar yang sudah dialasi kertas roti dan diolesi margarin hingga rata. Taburi keju di permukaannya.
5. Panggang dalam oven panas bersuhu 130C selama 20 menit hingga matang, angkat. Dinginkan.
Simpan dalam toples bertutup rapat.

Method (in English)
1. Toast flour and pandan leaves on a dry pan, over low heat until dry, remove and set aside.
2. Boil the coconut milk and salt over low heat, while stirring gently until gets boil. Lift. Set aside. 3. Beat the sugar and all the eggs using high-speed mixer until fluffy. Add toasted flour and baking soda, beat again until mixed well.
4. Take 1 tablespoon of dough, round with a diameter of 1 cm. Place on a baking sheet flat which is covered with baking paper and spread with margarine evenly. Sprinkle cheese on its surface.
5. Bake in hot oven temperature of 130C for 20 minutes until cooked, remove from heat. Chill.
Store in a tightly closed jar.
It was a couple of weeks ago, I tried a new recipe that the print-out had been pined on my soft board for a few months; called Bangket Keju. Actually Bangket is a name of cookie that quite popular in this country. Some places in this country have their own traditional recipe.
I used a recipe that I found in Femina Magazine, which was about some cake and cookie recipes from Manado, North Sulawesi. They said that this is one of the variant of 'Bangket Jahe' (Ginger Bangket) that is more popular in that province.
Not too hard to prepare, but we need extra patience to make the balls one by one. oooohhh...
At the end, the combination aroma of pandan leaves and coconut (from the coconut milk) blowed from the oven. It was really good smell and I could recognize this smell as the aroma of our traditional cookie. It was an Indonesian cookie aroma!
It does not use flour, but only tapioca flour; which is the key to the melting moment.
No need to chew this cookie, they will melt in your tongue. Don't hold it too strong, it will crack to small pieces on your finger.
Have a beautiful Sunday Night!
Bangket Keju
source : Femina Indonesia Magazine
Bahan / Ingredients
400 gr tepung kanji / 400 gr tapioca flour
3 lembar daun pandan, simpulkan / 3 pandan leaves, knotted
125 ml santan kental, dari 1/2 butir kelapa parut / 125 ml thick coconut milk from 1/2 grated coconut
1/2 sdt garam / 1/2 tsp salt
200 gr gula bubuk / 200 gr powder sugar
2 kuning telur ayam / 2 egg yolks
1 putih telur ayam / 1 white egg
1/2 sdt soda kue / 1/2 tsp baking soda
50 gr keju cheddar, parut / 50 gr cheddar cheese, grated
2. Rebus santan dan garam di atas api kecil, sambil aduk perlahan hingga mendidih. Angkat. Sisihkan.
3. Kocok gula dan semua telur menggunakan mixer berkecepatan tinggi hingga mengembang. Tambahkan tepung sangrai dan soda kue, kocok kembali secara cepat hingga rata.
4. Ambil 1 sdm adonan, bulatkan dengan diameter 1 cm. Letakkan di atas loyang datar yang sudah dialasi kertas roti dan diolesi margarin hingga rata. Taburi keju di permukaannya.
5. Panggang dalam oven panas bersuhu 130C selama 20 menit hingga matang, angkat. Dinginkan.
Simpan dalam toples bertutup rapat.
Method (in English)
1. Toast flour and pandan leaves on a dry pan, over low heat until dry, remove and set aside.
2. Boil the coconut milk and salt over low heat, while stirring gently until gets boil. Lift. Set aside. 3. Beat the sugar and all the eggs using high-speed mixer until fluffy. Add toasted flour and baking soda, beat again until mixed well.
4. Take 1 tablespoon of dough, round with a diameter of 1 cm. Place on a baking sheet flat which is covered with baking paper and spread with margarine evenly. Sprinkle cheese on its surface.
5. Bake in hot oven temperature of 130C for 20 minutes until cooked, remove from heat. Chill.
Store in a tightly closed jar.