Pineapple Upside-Down Cake

Cake ini cukup unik... Kita gak perlu lagi ngedecor-nya. Krn begitu jadi dan loyang dibalik tereeeeng... udah ada decorative topping yg cantik. Itu dia kenapa dinamain upside-down cake. Jadi bagian yg sebelumnya ada didasar loyang setelah matang akan jd bagian atas cake, begitu pula sebaliknya. It's quick, easy and sooo beautiful. Classic Cake yg enak dimakan bareng ice cream atau whippy cream ini makin popular di Amrik sejak diadakannya 'A pineapple recipe contest' thn 1925... dan resep yg sy bikin ini adalah resep dari pemenang contest tsb, dgn sedikit modifikasi pd bag toppingnya.
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The term 'upside down cake' wasn't used very much before the middle of the 19th century, but the style of baking probably dates back much further, probably to the Middle Ages.
The early recipes for fruit upside down cakes were made in cast iron skillets on top of the stove.
The classic American 'Pineapple Upside Down Cake' dates to sometime after 1903, when Jim Dole invented canned pineapple.
The Hawaiin Pineapple Co. (now Dole Pineapple) held a pineapple recipe contest in 1925, with judges from Fannie Farmer's School, Good Housekeeping and McCall's magazine on the judging panel. The 100 winning recipes would be published in a cookbook the following year. Over 60,000 recipes were sent in, and 2,500 of them were for Pineapple Upside Down Cake. So it is obvious that between 1903 when canned pineapple was first available, and 1925 when the contest was held, Pineapple Upside Down Cake had become a very popular item. The Hawaiin Pineapple Company ran an ad campaign in 1926 based on the fact that so many recipes for the cake had been submitted, naturally making the Pineapple Upside Down Cake even more popular.
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(1925 winner of the Hawaiian Pineapple Company Recipe Contest)
1. Drain the juice from 1 large can of either Crushed or Sliced Hawaiian Pineapple.
2. Sift 2 cups flour. Sift again with 2 teaspoons baking powder and 1/2 teaspoon salt.
3. Cream 1/2 cup butter or substitute, gradually add 1 cup sugar; cream well.
4. Beat yolks and whites of 2 eggs separately. Add yolks to creamed mixture; mix well, then add flour and 1/2 cup milk alternately, mixing well.
5. Fold the 2 beaten egg whites and 1 teaspoon vanilla.
6. Melt 2 tablespoons butter* in large frying pan**.
Spread 1 cup of brown sugar over pan.
7. Add pineapple (if Sliced is used, place slices closely together on the sugar; if Crushed, simply pour in the well-drained fruit).
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8. Pour cake batter over fruit.
Bake 45 minutes.
Turn upside-down on serving dish and garnish with maraschino cherries.
Whipped cream may be spread over top."
NOTE: There was no temperature given in the original recipe, but I have made this many times using 350 degrees (~175 C) with excellent results.Chef James.

*Sy pake 1/2 cup butter
** Frying pan di sini kemudian sekalian digunakan u/ baking (sbg loyang), tp kemudian kita bisa memakai baking pan/loyang kalau memang tdk tersedia frying pan yg bisa sekaligus dipakai u/ baking.


Indonesia Eats said…
Salam kenal....Kapan2 boleh dicontek yahh? Pernah liat resep begini di blog mbak Arfi.. cuman yg ini kyknya lbh gampang.