Our Xmas Open House 'Simple' Menu...

Dear Uncle & Aunty,
Patricia & Patrick would like to invite you to visit our Xmast open house on this coming Sunday (25/12). The address is Balikpapan Baru -del-; from Ring Road to Bundaran Monyet turn right, another roundabout turn -del-, take the first -del- turn & our house is in the -del- corner (with a -del- in the front). Our mother will cook the famous Soto Bandung which is yummy (thought a bit spicy for us).
See you here,
Patricia & Patrick
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L-R: Es Sarang Burung, Nasi Soto Bandung Komplit, Selada Bangkok
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L-R: Chocolate Pudding, Carrot Cake, Brownies
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L-R: Chocolate Gingerbread Cookies, Gingerbread Men, Mini Cheese Pie


watsonrodrig said…
I love to eat cookies, chips with dips,
cakes and a lot more, you can even call
me foodie.
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