
One day I was cleaning the shelves in my kitchen, when I realized that one of my habbits is writting a recipe on a 'post it' (the small yellow square paper which can stick on almost anything) on my shelf. Of course, it's not all the recipes but just some of them that I regularly make it.

So far, there are 'only' five selected recipes that sticked on my kitchen shelfs. The popular Fudge Brownies recipe, my son's favorite 'Curly Bread' recipe, the all time favorite 'Peuyeum Cake' recipe, the traditional snack 'Colenak' recipe and my husband and daughter's favorite 'Ontbijtkoek' recipe. I didn't write the whole recipe on those small papers but only the ingredients connected by some arrows to explain where the ingredients have to be mixed to.

You know, I posted this 'oldies cake' recipe last year when we still lived in Mumbai. I tried the recipe from my favorite 'traditional Indonesian snack recipe book'.
After back to our home country, I got another Ontbijtkoek recipe from my auntie, who regularly bakes this cake. Soon this recipe became our favorite one. The cake is softer and not too dry like before, because it uses 'a little' melted butter.

The original ontbijtkoek recipe uses 'kenari' (~javanese almond/canarium commune) on the top, but the ontbijtkoek from our oven uses chocolate chips (to obey my children's request) and also any kind of peanuts that I can find in my kitchen.
Using one recipe, I can produce 2 loaves of Ontbijtkoek in one go.


Here the simple Ontbijtkoek Recipe;
Sift together 1 3/4 cup flour, 1/2 tsp vanilla powder, 1 tsp ground cinnamon and pinch of ground gloves and nutmeg. Set aside.

Beat 5 eggs, 1/2 cup sugar and 1 cup palm sugar until thick and frothing.

Add the sifted ingredients and 2 tbs melted margarine, stir well.

Pour into a loaf baking pan lined with grease-proof paper that has been brushed with butter and sprinkled with flour.

Sprinkle with kenari or peanuts or chocolate chips.

Bake at 180 C for about 40-45 minutes until done.
*spread margarine on top of the cake, right after it comes out from the oven.

[diptych] Onbytkoek IMG_0706a

Ayak 1 3/4 cup tepung terigu, 1/2 sdt vanilla bubuk, 1 tsp kayu manis bubuk and sedikit/sejumput cengkeh bubuk and biji pala bubuk. Sisihkan.

Kocok 5 telur , 1/2 cup gula dan 1 cup gula palem hingga kental dan berbuih.

Tambahkan bahan-bahan kering (yg telah diayak) dan 2 sdt margarin cair, aduk rata.

Tuang ke dalam loyang panjang (loaf pan) yang telah dialasi kertas roti/kertas minyak serta diolesi mentega dan ditaburi terigu.

Taburi kenari atau kacang atau chocolate chips.

Panggang pada suhu 180 C selama kurang lebih 40-45 menit, hingga matang.
*Olesi dengan margarin sesaat setelah kue keluar dari oven.


Anonymous said…
Jadi pengen lagi nich Ontbitjtkoek...nama kuenya susah amat...hehehhe...kalo di Indo emang terkenal pake nama ini Mbak Vania?
Anonymous said…
iyah, namanya susah amat? Baca nya gimana yah? hehe. tapi keliatan nya sih enak bangets! foto nya cantik2!
fairyteeth said…
Hai Mba Vania, salam kenal... kue nya kayaknya enak banget tuh... jadi ngiler pegen nyicipin.... ;)

btw, bisa minta imel mba Vania gak, buat sedikit ngobrol2 suatu acara yang ada hubungan nya sama makanan dan masak-memasak.

Kali-kali mba Vania tertarik, bisa menghubungi kita di dita[dot]firdiana[at]gmail[dot]com

Makasiiih... ^^ ditunggu ya kabarnyaa
Elsye said…
Van keliatannya enak banget :D..udah lama pengen nyobaik lagi cake ini :D
Ira Rodrigues said…
van kitchen nya rapi jali hehehe
aku pernah nyobain ini waktu di goa, keknya gak sebagus punya mu, LOL
Nisa-mom said…
ga pernah bosen mampir sini, enak diliat semua nya :D
Anonymous said…
hai mba, foto kuenya cantik bgt, mpe aku kbayang terus dan pgn nyobain, trus kmren udah nyoba deh heu..
mw nanya, telur yg dikocok mpe kental dan berbuih itu kira2 brp lama ya??soalnya bru dikocok bentar aja uda kentel&berbuih jd aku kmren cma skitar 5menit ngocoknya pke kocokan tangan, bkan mixer elektronik..trus pas jadi, kuenya emg aga keras yah?kyk bantat gtu :( pas dipotong aga susah walo ttep nek siy, khas kue klasik..makasiy y mba, maaf nanyanya byk bisnya aku bru blajar baking niy :)
Anonymous said…
hai mba, foto kuenya cantik bgt, mpe aku kbayang terus dan pgn nyobain, trus kmren udah nyoba deh heu..
mw nanya, telur yg dikocok mpe kental dan berbuih itu kira2 brp lama ya??soalnya bru dikocok bentar aja uda kentel&berbuih jd aku kmren cma skitar 5menit ngocoknya pke kocokan tangan, bkan mixer elektronik..trus pas jadi, kuenya emg aga keras yah?kyk bantat gtu :( pas dipotong aga susah walo ttep nek siy, khas kue klasik..makasiy y mba, maaf nanyanya byk bisnya aku bru blajar baking niy :)
udit said…
enek" bgt keliatannya, makasi buat info resepnya.
Anonymous said…

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