Apple Yoghurt Cake
Apple ama cinnamon...mmm perfect combination! Kalo belom tau rasanya, cobain resep ini. Resep ini gw dpt dari Femina (kira2 4-5 th yll), yg wkt itu khusus resep2 'Cake ala cafe'. Yg pasti cake ini juga jadi resep favorit bbrp temen gue yg pernah gue tularin kenikmatannya...
Almond-nya kali ini gue ganti mete (krn cuma ada itu di dapur). Margarine--gue ganti kombinasi 100gr margarine & 100gr butter. enjoy!
Almond-nya kali ini gue ganti mete (krn cuma ada itu di dapur). Margarine--gue ganti kombinasi 100gr margarine & 100gr butter. enjoy!
200 gr margarine
150 gr caster sugar
3 eggs
250 gr flour
¾ tsp baking soda
½ tsp baking powder
200 ml plain/natural yoghurt
3 green apples (±350 g)
Peel, core & thickly slice the apple
Put into salt water.
50 gr toasted slivered almonds
Mix together;
75 gr palm sugar or brown sugar
25 gr caster sugar
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1. Line loaf pan 11x30x7cm with baking parchment.
Lightly grease it & flour the base.
2. Cream together margarine & sugar in bowl until light & fluffy.
Gradually add the eggs, beating well after each addition.
3. Fold flour, baking soda, baking powder into the mixture until well combined.
Fold yoghurt, mixing well.
4. Pour a half mixture into the prepared pan,
arrange a half of sliced apples over the mixture
& sprinkle with a half of sugars mixture. Repeat with the next layer.
5. Bake in a preheated oven at 180C for 1 hour or
until a toothpick inserted in the middle of the pan comes out clean.
150 gr caster sugar
3 eggs
250 gr flour
¾ tsp baking soda
½ tsp baking powder
200 ml plain/natural yoghurt
3 green apples (±350 g)
Peel, core & thickly slice the apple
Put into salt water.
50 gr toasted slivered almonds
Mix together;
75 gr palm sugar or brown sugar
25 gr caster sugar
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1. Line loaf pan 11x30x7cm with baking parchment.
Lightly grease it & flour the base.
2. Cream together margarine & sugar in bowl until light & fluffy.
Gradually add the eggs, beating well after each addition.
3. Fold flour, baking soda, baking powder into the mixture until well combined.
Fold yoghurt, mixing well.
4. Pour a half mixture into the prepared pan,
arrange a half of sliced apples over the mixture
& sprinkle with a half of sugars mixture. Repeat with the next layer.
5. Bake in a preheated oven at 180C for 1 hour or
until a toothpick inserted in the middle of the pan comes out clean.
tadi pagi sarapan sama cake ini dan secangkir chinese tea oh.... indahnya.
thank you for sharing ya
akhirnya buat pertama kalinya bisa praktek resepnya mba.
Ini resep pertama yg udah aku coba.
Enak banget... Apalagi makannya waktu masih hangat. So yummy..
Oiya..salam kenal mba..