Banana-Nut BREAD

Banana Bread termasuk salah satu 'quick bread'. Krn bikinnya gak menjalani proses spt pembuatan roti. Gak perlu nguleni, gak perlu nunggu proses 'pengembangan'~tapi bikinnya lebih mirip pembuatan cake. Hasilnya pun emang lebih mirip cake sih. Banana bread ini rasanya lebih 'rich' dari pada banana bread sebelumnya, krn pake kelapa kering dan kacang. Untuk kelapa, resep-nya pake shredded coconut (~kelapa parut yg kasar) krn gak punya dan pengen cepet kelar sy pakenya desiccated coconut (~kelapa parut halus, keluaran Kara). Maklum banana bread ini mo dibawa jd bekel buat berenang bareng anak2 :)). Nah kalo mau bikin sendiri si shredded coconut ini, caranya kelapa 'menuju tua' (jgn yg terlalu tua), bersiin kulitnya (jd tinggal dagingnya yg putih) diparut pake parutan keju yg gede2/kasar. Trus disangrai atou dipanggang sampai agak kecoklatan (jg gosong). Siap dipake deh, sisanya simpan di wadah yg tertutup.
Source: Martha Stewart's BAKING HANDBOOK
Image hosting by Photobucket
Makes TWO 9 by 5 inch loaves or SIX 6 by 2-3/4 inch miniloaves*
3 cups all-purpose flour
1 tsp baking soda
3/4 tsp salt
3 large eggs
2 cups sugar
1-1/3 cups vegetable oil
2 tbsp pure vanilla extract
1-1/2 cups ripe mashed banana
1 cup unsweetened shredded coconut
1 cup wanuts or pecans, toasted & finely chopped **
1/2 cup buttermilk ***

1. Preheat the oven to 350 F. Coat two 9 bu 5 inch loaf pans with cooking spray; set aside. In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, baking soda, and salt; set aside.
2. In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, beat the eggs, sugar, and vegetable oil on medium-low speed until combined. Beat in the flour mixture. Add the vanilla, banana, coconut, nuts adn buttermilk, and beat just to combine.
3. Divide butter evently between prepared pans; smooth with an offset spatula. Bake, rotating pans halfway through, until a cake tester inserted in the centers comes out clean, 60-65 minutes. Transfer to a wire rack to cool for 10 minutes. Remove loaves form pans and let cool completely. Bread can be kept at room temperature, wrapped well in plastic, for up to 1 week, or frozen for up to 3 month.

* Sy bikin 1 loaf saja, pakai 1/2 resep.
** Sy pake kacang mete yg sudah di cincang kasar dan dipanggang
*** Kalau mau bikin sendiri pakai 2/3 cup susu + 2/3 tbsp cuka/air perasan lemon,
diamkan selama 15 menit~akan jadi susu yg asam & kental.


Elsye said…
Vaaaa..ikutan nyontek ini yaaa...:P tengkiyuuuu...udah gue publish bu...:D